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Hello beautiful people.

Long time PSO player here scouting different private PSO servers to find a home: PSO is my emotional blanket, I keep coming back to it.

While the website is pretty and very well done, it's perhaps a bit succinct.  Is there a list of features this server has? What makes it unique? What do you guys mean by "tweaked classes" etc?


You know, data and numbers :)

Thank you!

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we just had a thread like this a week ago... sorry dont know how to find it

basically the girls are op

hucasy might be best hu

weps are very cool, different meta here, swords arent used, instead we have many 3 hit melee weps like double swords

we have a wep that can lower your hp from full to df in one combo

we have a low hp RA wep, and hp lowering gun that can lower hp in 2 combos

force is opaf, fonewm might be the best solo character in the game

magic works basically everywhere

delsaber ep 2 not weak to hell but mostly edk stats are the same

monster EVP is NOT boosted however their atp and hp seem to be increased. crimson assassin seems to have a lot of hp

dark bridge is actually op, the 3x grants attack can do tons of dammage, few enemies are resistant

dark meteor shots 7 shots i think

dark flow has an added physical attack when using the wave, the sword also now hits so this will make 6 hits on the sweetspot of dark flow instead of 5

olga can be obliterated several different ways. dark flow not required

hunewy is really good too

we have v802 and v503 upgraded versions of v801 v502

state.maintance unit for cure all, no more cure confuse meta

item called pb flow build 1 pb every 5 sec? these stack, can build pb fast

we have a mag with invuneralbe proc chance over 90%

so u can get a lot of i frames with 2 pb flow and that mag, nice on hu who can reduce to 63pb with tjs or dragon sword (upgraded tjs/not needed any unsealing, more atp)

btw olgas sword wave attack does a lot more damage just warning you xD its not 600ish anymore its like ... 1400? idk

you dont fall down, biggest difference. gameplay changes because of this quite a bit. some dont like it, i came to like it a lot. cheers mate hope you like it here 


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list of features from discord #guide page

you can check here as well



・Fast action, Beginner friendly system
-EXP rate x5/x10 (x10 is event rate)
-Infinite Mag feed
-Start meseta is 150k
-Rare drop rate x2 in Ult-Multimode
-Material drop (from enemy and random one) is 1~3
-Photon drop (from enemy) comes 1~3
-Free Section ID change (mainly during event)
and more!
・Happy Hours
It boosts Rare Drop Rate x3 and comes every 15.5 hours (scheduled automaticaly), thus you'll get best timing sooner!
・Free Section ID
You can change ID when event is on going.
Thus, you are no more forced to make ton of characters with various IDs. You can hunt every item as you want anytime!

just type /sectionid X (X=0-9) in game.
・Useful commands
Please check forum/OP post here for more info!
/bank = switch your bank character/common
/lobby = go back to lobby when you are doing quest
/sectionid X = change your section ID
・Lots of COOL EXCLUSIVE Custom Weapons/Items
Please check forum for more info! NOT just changed skin/special!
Ultimate Double Cannon, 7-Bullets Dark Meteor, V802, V503, Ill Gill Reaper, Final Egg Blaster and MORE!

・Faster combat, less stressful
-V802 and Immortal/Battle are available year-round.
V802 is only available in Destiny due to technical things. 
You don't get knocked down by any attack, you don't get mad at ZU, fireball, etc anymore!
・BACKUPS / Safety
You sold your precious rare for 10 meseta? DC'd when you were transferring items and lost it? Stolen item by other player? No worries, staff can check log and your item will be repaired immediately.
・Seasonal Events with cool contents
You can hunt event exclusive items! We have 6 of main events in 1 year!

Certain quest contains custom enemy! they are stronger than regular mobs, so be careful! (for e.g. Easter has Lost Soul Ripper and there are buffed sinows/volopt. but you can play regular Lost Soul Blade with regular sinows/volopt, no worries.)
for more info, plz check forum event pages!
・Daily Quest and Item Crate
You can hunt Daily Crate in Daily quest! it contains various items!
・Individual Drop System
・Common Bank
・Custom Quests
・Custom Enemies
Custom Enemy is buffed mob/boss with alternative skin/name/stats and drops etc. They present you EPIC fights!
For e.g in [quest] Beyond the Veil [EP1>Special], you fight at 2 strong dragon/gol dragon named rathalos/val hazzak 'at the same time'!
It's impossible to make this 2 dragon fight possible in other serv!

Custom Enemies:
Headless Horseman (Bringers) [Halloween]
D-Virus Baranz (Baranz) [Easter]
Grim Reaper (Ill Gill) [Halloween]
Dr.Robotonik (Deldepth) [Summer]
Tormentorr (Hildetorr) [Anniversary]
Bubbles (Gibbles but 3D model is Zol Gibbon) [Valentine]
Oppressor VII / Praetorian IV (Sinow BLue/Red) [Easter]
The Prophet (vol opt ver.2) [Easter]
Rathalos / Vaal Hazzak (Dragon / Gol Dragon) [Year-Round]

Soul Butcher (Dal ra lie) [5th Anniv only]
Millennium Fury (Dark Falz) [5th Anniv only]
・Can stack Grinders, Materials, PDs etc to 250
…and more!




4 hours ago, theancientsam said:

delsaber ep 2 not weak to hell but mostly edk stats are the same

about EP2 EDK 



also we have pretty cool sword named RATHALOS GREAT SWORD / TERROR SAWD that causes explosion with physycal attack, and ikr no knowckdown is what makes this game more stress-free :)

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Thank you all for the info given so far. 

I gather that this server has end-game quite dear to its heart, with lots and lots of options tailored to that need, including a very fast track to get there.

Still weighting all my options. Don't hesitate to add more details if anything comes to mind :)

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Destiny differs most from vanilla pso due to the battle units like Immortal/Battle (Attack Speed 120%) and V802 (Technique Cast Speed +100%), making the game somewhat more dynamic despite its age. Bosses/Monsters have buffed stats and you can only carry 1 Scape Doll in your inventory. No knockdown complements this style of gameplay

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So what you guys are saying is that after thousands of hours of loving my rangers and liking my hunters but tolerating my forces, I could finally live my dream of having a FOnewearl that could go BAM BAM BAM FOIE YOU'RE ALL DEAD. 

I like.

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Yes many of destiny’s files get flagged as a virus even though they are all false positives so you need to white list the whole folder in your antivirus. I know I had to, otherwise my antivirus just deletes all of my destiny files. I assure you all of destiny’s files are safe.

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Well, I leapt.

One new FOnewearl on your happy server. If I like the place, I imagine more characters will come.  

So far, it's fun.  Level 10 after ONE pass through the forest = little bit insane.

Also: my very first Rappy was a Pal.  Wonder if it's an omen.

My Fo seems a lot tankier than she should.  A Fonie getting whacked by a Hildebear on her first Forest pass AND surviving?  Not usual.

Question: Did I start with 100K meseta?  I find myself unusually rich.


Last question, this one for our dear admins: 7 people on the server. That not a lot to justify effort. Is this place really going to last?  It really does look cozy and super fun and I can see myself finding a PSO-Home here, but it would be sad to see it go away in a few months.


Thanks for setting this place up. You guys are all beautiful.

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Welcome and yes you will notice lots of differences from vanilla pso right off the bat. You sure did start with 100k meseta, all new accounts do. That helps keep your FO good on fluids and cover all those consumable items when you start out. I am no admin but I can tell you the number of the players on the server increases during the happy hour that occurs every 15.5 hours and lasts for 3 hours. It goes up even more when events are going on. There is currently no event going on, expect the next jump in player numbers to occur when the Easter event starts.

Edited by HammerHead9000

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A very big thanks for all those who helped here!  I'm gonna pop over the introduction section to say hi but from then, I'll mostly be on the Discord server with all my annoying questions.

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