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Tutorial of Destiny for new players / 新規の方向けチュートリアル (in progress)

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Hello, since destiny has lots of server-exclusive features compared to vanilla PSOBB, some of new player may confuse what to do first.

So i made this tutorial how to play efficiently for new players! (note: this page is mainly focused on how to play efficiently, but you can play freely and you are not forced to play with this way surely.)

日本語版はこちら / JP Translation


[0] ゲームを開始する前にアイテムリーダーをDLしましょう!


[1] ID白のFOnewmかFOnewealで開始しましょう

イベント中はセクションIDの変更が可能です ( ゲーム内コマンドで /sectionid # in game, # = 0 ~9)


Shift + F1 = /lobby (クエスト中即座にロビーに帰還します)

Shift + F2 = /bank (共有倉庫/キャラ倉庫を切り替えます)

このコマンド /dropnotifications 1 使用する事でPDやトークン等の特殊ドロップを通知するようになります



/arrow #

A colored arrow will be displayed over your head. "#" must be a number between 0 and 12 for different colors.

0: No arrow

1: Red

2: Blue

3: Green

4: Yellow

5: Purple

6: Cyan

7: Orange

8: Pink

9: White

10: White

11: White

12: Black

13+: No arrow



Your bank will be switched between your character and common banks. A common bank is a bank shared between characters in the same account.



You will be transported out of your dedicated lobby into the visual lobby. This command only works while you are in a quest.


/magtimer #

A magtimer will be activated to remind you when your mags are ready to be fed. "#" can be a number between 0 and 2.



A message will appear with your current material counters.


/matreset #

Your material counters will be reset. Change blocks after you hit enter.

"#" is a number between 1 and 5

This command needs to be executed twice to confirm.

1: power
2: mind
3: Evade
4: Def
5: Luck


/npc #

Your character will use a special costume. "#" must be a number between 0 and 11. Hover over the command name to see the list of available costumes. NOTE: Make sure to first go to the dressing room and change your head/hair model to the first one

0: Default (you)

1: Famitsu (Ninja)

2: Shadow the Hedgehog

3: Sonic the Hedgehog

4: Knuckles the Echidna

5: Miles "Tails" Prower

6: Heathcliff Flowen (Episode II)

7: Elly Person (Episode II)

8: Momoka (Episode IV)

9: Amy Rose

10: Guild/Bank Lady

11: Silver the Hedgehog


/setpass #

The current lobby password will be changed to the contents of "#".


/setname #

"#" is the new roomname.



rolls a random number between 0 and 100 and displays them for all members in a room.



If happy hours are active, it displays the remaining time (in minutes).


If xp boost is active, it displays the remaining time (in minutes).



Displays general room information. (EXP rate, drop rate, leader section ID, and difficulty.



Displays total number of kills for sealed items.


/controller #

This command automatically sets your controller configuration to the specified controller type. Option 1 is for native PS4 controllers. If you use a driver like DS4Windows or InputMapper you should use option 3 (xbox 360).

"#" can be - 1 = ps4 controller, 2 = xbox 1 controller (coming soon), 3 = xbox 360 controller


/skin #

This command changes your skin color. Only for non cast classes.
"#" can be 1-4.


/face #

This command changes your face. Only for non cast classes.
"#" can be 1-5.


/dropstyle #

# can be either 1 or 2. 1 = Shared, 2 = Individual.



See what daily quest is active and for how long which will drop Daily Crates (if you are in the right quest and use this command, it will say "active")



See guildcards of all the players in the lobby/room


/ignore #
"#" is the Guild Card Number. This will make you ignore a player. To stop ignoring a player, clear the ignore list in your account.


Room section ID

Press  "tab" to see the section ID for the current room you are in


/sectionid # 
"#" is a number between 0-9 Make sure you reload block or log off/log on after using /sectionid if you don't want to have mag feeding issues

(This also only works during an event or when its activation is announced)

0 Viridia
1 Greenil
2 Skyly
3 Blueful
4 Purplenum
5 Pinkal
6 Redria
7 Oran
8 Yellowboze
9 Whitill


/dropnotifications #

1 enable
0 disable



[2] Ultimateで遊ぶためにレベルを上げましょう! レベル上げに向いているクエストがいくつか存在します。経験値倍率は5/10倍でマグにいつでも餌を与えられます。



[ep1] Wrath of forest

[ep1] Maximum Attack S

[ep1] Harmony of Despair 2 (Hard/V-Hard)

[ep4] Maximum Attack S

[ep4] Maximum Attack 4th Stage B (for V801 from ZU in VH)


[3] 高レベルテクディスクを拾って周回を快適にしましょう



[ep1] Wrath of forest 一部屋目の敵のみ

[ep1] Mine Offensive 一部屋目の箱6個

[ep2] Phantasmal World #3 箱部屋まで

[ep4] Maximum Attack 4th Stage A,B,C 開幕のラッピー12匹

[ep4] Maximum Attack S ドア付近で安全にゴラン対処可能


[4] サイコウォンドを狙いましょう

[EP2] Defend the main room: 最初のデルリリー5体キャンセル(白ID)


 @sunagimo さんより参考動画







[5] Three Sealsを掘りましょう

[EP1] Maximum Attack S (橙) 



[6] V802を掘りましょう

[EP1] Lost soul blade (白)


また桃IDでは PRIMAL NEXUS(鎧) が狙えます。全テク30%強化の強力な鎧です。


[7] 他のアイテムも狙ってみましょう!

@Depassage さんのガイド、ドロップテーブル、データベースも合わせて参考にして下さい。

https://playpso.net/drop-tables?diff=3 :ドロップテーブル

https://playpso.net/database?type=1 :データべース


  • オススメアイテム

    Dark Matter: イルギル (黄) quest: [EP2] Defend the main room

    Lavis Cannon:  プイィスライム (赤) quest: [EP1] Maximum Attack 4th Stage-B

    Immortal/Battle:  イプシロン (空) quest: [EP2] Defend the main room

    Grave Digger:  ゴラン・デトナータ (青) quest: [EP4] Maximum Attack S or New mop up operation#3

    V503:  Goran Detonator (桃or赤) quest: [EP4] Maximum Attack S or New mop up operation#3

    Dr.Robotonik's Plan B:  ギブルス (紫) quest: [EP2] Phantasmal World #4 




[EX] その他情報



注意: 箱レア、レアエネミー、クレートやトークン等の特殊ドロップには影響しません


  • 季節ごとのイベント

Valentine: バレンタインクレートと花束が全エネミーからドロップします。花束をGMに15個渡してブランク武器へのEXの追加も可能です。

2024年から限定クエスト:Love Researchが追加され、Section ID HaloがNPCとのトレードで入手可能になりました。

Easter: 限定クエスト:LOST SOUL RIPPER、イースターエッグを使ったアイテム交換等

Summer: フォトントークンとサマープレゼントが全エネミーからドロップします。夏イベント仕様クエスト有り。

Anniversary: 周年クレートが全エネミーからドロップします。 周年限定アイテムが追加されます。周年限定クエスト有り。

Halloween: ハロウィンプレゼントが全エネミーからドロップします。カボチャを25個GMに渡すことでEX無しSRANK武器を入手可能。ハロウィン限定クエスト有り。

Xmas: フォトントークンとクリスマスプレゼントが全エネミーからドロップします。浸食遺伝子「フロウ」のドロップ率が上昇します。Christmas Spiritもここで入手可能。




Photon Tokens: 夏/クリスマス

Crates: 周年/バレンタイン


例:イースターではLost Soul Ripperが遊べますが、このクエスト内ではシノワ系とボルオプトが強化されています。他のクエストでは通常仕様のものが出てくるので安心してください。


  • ソロFO用オススメクエスト

Crate/Token: [EP1] Wrath of Forest

Easter Egg /  Jack-o'-Lanterns: [EP2] Dolmolm Research (Normal)





  • Photon Tokens (PTs)



1個に付きHit1%強化出来ます。ただし、この方法ではHit80が上限となります。EP2>Shop>Spooky Bazaarのスロープ下のホプキンスに話しかけてパガニーニに強化依頼が出来ます。 またNPCから1個6PDsで買うことも出来ます。


  • Crates (Phantasmal, Valentine, Anniversary)




You can get Phantasmal crate by playing daily quest, you can type /daily and see which one is today's daily. If you found one, the account can't find till next day, so you can use another account to hunt 2nd one. but You can hunt 2 crates per day at max. (finding 3rd one is not allowed, if you got 3rd one accidently plz throw it and tell GM not to cause any trouble.)

about Valentine Crate and Anniv Crate, you can hunt as much as you want :D all mobs drop it during valentine/anniversary.


  • Spooky Bazzar [EP2]




  • Adding Hit% by using Photon Token
  • 1~3PD shop for new players. 
  • 20PDs Mag shop (there are 4 types, 200DFF, 200POW, 200DEX and 200MIND.)
  • 20PDs Calibur / Arms Shop (there are various combinations, it's suitable for Dark Flow and Meteor.) Do not waste your PGF by using on low% calibur/arms :)
  • Photon Token shop (6:1)
  • 50PDs for adding special on weapon that doesn't have special. (Yas9000M, Type-M Shot etc)



if you have any suggestion, idea, feel free to tell me, thanks 


[0] Before you start the game, please DL the itemreader from forum!


[1] let's start with FOnewm or FOneweal with Whitill ID

however, you can change your section id freely while event is on going. ( type /sectionid # in game, # = 0 ~9)

also i recommend you to set commands on shortcut.

for e.g. i'm using

Shift + F1 = /lobby (you can go back to lobby while playing quest)

Shift + F2 = /bank (you can switch bank, character and common)

do not forget to type /dropnotifications 1 it informs you when specific rare has dropped (event items, PDs, Daily Crates etc.)

other usefull command are here: 


/arrow #

A colored arrow will be displayed over your head. "#" must be a number between 0 and 12 for different colors.

0: No arrow

1: Red

2: Blue

3: Green

4: Yellow

5: Purple

6: Cyan

7: Orange

8: Pink

9: White

10: White

11: White

12: Black

13+: No arrow



Your bank will be switched between your character and common banks. A common bank is a bank shared between characters in the same account.



You will be transported out of your dedicated lobby into the visual lobby. This command only works while you are in a quest.


/magtimer #

A magtimer will be activated to remind you when your mags are ready to be fed. "#" can be a number between 0 and 2.



A message will appear with your current material counters.


/matreset #

Your material counters will be reset. Change blocks after you hit enter.

"#" is a number between 1 and 5

This command needs to be executed twice to confirm.

1: power
2: mind
3: Evade
4: Def
5: Luck


/npc #

Your character will use a special costume. "#" must be a number between 0 and 11. Hover over the command name to see the list of available costumes. NOTE: Make sure to first go to the dressing room and change your head/hair model to the first one

0: Default (you)

1: Famitsu (Ninja)

2: Shadow the Hedgehog

3: Sonic the Hedgehog

4: Knuckles the Echidna

5: Miles "Tails" Prower

6: Heathcliff Flowen (Episode II)

7: Elly Person (Episode II)

8: Momoka (Episode IV)

9: Amy Rose

10: Guild/Bank Lady

11: Silver the Hedgehog


/setpass #

The current lobby password will be changed to the contents of "#".


/setname #

"#" is the new roomname.



rolls a random number between 0 and 100 and displays them for all members in a room.



If happy hours are active, it displays the remaining time (in minutes).


If xp boost is active, it displays the remaining time (in minutes).



Displays general room information. (EXP rate, drop rate, leader section ID, and difficulty.



Displays total number of kills for sealed items.


/controller #

This command automatically sets your controller configuration to the specified controller type. Option 1 is for native PS4 controllers. If you use a driver like DS4Windows or InputMapper you should use option 3 (xbox 360).

"#" can be - 1 = ps4 controller, 2 = xbox 1 controller (coming soon), 3 = xbox 360 controller


/skin #

This command changes your skin color. Only for non cast classes.
"#" can be 1-4.


/face #

This command changes your face. Only for non cast classes.
"#" can be 1-5.


/dropstyle #

# can be either 1 or 2. 1 = Shared, 2 = Individual.



See what daily quest is active and for how long which will drop Daily Crates (if you are in the right quest and use this command, it will say "active")



See guildcards of all the players in the lobby/room


/ignore #
"#" is the Guild Card Number. This will make you ignore a player. To stop ignoring a player, clear the ignore list in your account.


Room section ID

Press  "tab" to see the section ID for the current room you are in


/sectionid # 
"#" is a number between 0-9 Make sure you reload block or log off/log on after using /sectionid if you don't want to have mag feeding issues

(This also only works during an event or when its activation is announced)

0 Viridia
1 Greenil
2 Skyly
3 Blueful
4 Purplenum
5 Pinkal
6 Redria
7 Oran
8 Yellowboze
9 Whitill


/dropnotifications #

1 enable
0 disable



[2] let's get level to play ultimate. there are some quests thats good for leveling. you have x5/x10 exp! Infinite mag feed, and more!

here is recommended quests.


[ep1] Wrath of forest

[ep1] Maximum Attack S

[ep1] Harmony of Despair 2 (Hard/V-Hard)

[ep4] Maximum Attack S

[ep4] Maximum Attack 4th Stage B (for V801 from ZU in VH)

and more.


[3] let's get some higher lvl tech disk to run ultimate smoothly!

here is recommended quests.


[ep1] Wrath of forest (for enemies in 1st room)

[ep1] Mine Offensive (for 1st 6 boxes)

[ep2] Phantasmal World #3 (for box room)

[ep4] Maximum Attack 4th Stage A,B,C (scaring 12 rappies in 1st wave)

[ep4] Maximum Attack S (you can kill gorans safely near the 1st door)



[4] let's try to hunt psycho wand!

[EP2] Defend the main room: kill 1st 5 del lilies till Pwand drop (ID: whitill)

if you are FOnewm and prefer fast casting, you can skip [4].

here is helpful video from @sunagimo







[5] let's try to hunt Three Seals!

[EP1] Maximum Attack S (ORAN): You can skip this part if free section is is not available, you want to do [6] (V802) first, etc.

Melqueek drops it, be careful since you can't go back if you die. near the 1st door is your safety spot!


[6] let's try to hunt V802!

[EP1] Lost soul blade (whitill)

Sinow blue drops it. (i want see your reaction of your 1st time using V802 xD)

also with pinkal ID, you can hunt PRIMAL NEXUS(ARMOR) that boosts all tech 30%. the droprate is harder than V802.


[7] let's start to hunt other stuffs as you want!

here is droptable, database and useful guide from @Depassage

https://playpso.net/drop-tables?diff=3 :drop table

https://playpso.net/database?type=1 :database


  • Recommendation

    Dark Matter: from ill gill (yellow) quest: [EP2] Defend the main room

    Lavis Cannon: from rare slime (Red) quest: [EP1] Maximum Attack 4th Stage-B

    Immortal/Battle: from Epsilon (skyly) quest: [EP2] Defend the main room

    Grave Digger: from Goran Detonator (Blue) quest: [EP4] Maximum Attack S or New mop up operation#3

    V503: from Goran Detonator (Pinkal or Red) quest: [EP4] Maximum Attack S or New mop up operation#3

    Dr.Robotonik's Plan B: from Gibbles (Purple) quest: [EP2] Phantasmal World #4 (You may need some RA gear)





[EX] Additional information


It boosts rare drop rate (RDR) x3 for 3 hours. it comes per 15.5 hours, so you'll get best timing sooner, if you want to notifi when it started, please check official discord!

note: happy hour doesn't affect rate of rare enemy, crate/photon token drop, box rare etc.


  • Seasonable Event

Valentine: Valentine Crates and flower bouquets are obtainable from all enemies. adding special on weapon is available by redeeming x15 flower bouquets. 

from 2024, Love research and section ID halos are available during this event.

Easter: You can redeem Easter Eggs to get certain items. and exclusive quest!

Summer: Photon tokens and Summer Presents are obtainable from all enemies.

Anniversary: Anniversary Crates are obtainable from all enemies. Anniversary limited item will come every year. 

Halloween: Halloween Presents are obtainable from all enemies. S-Rank weps are available by redeeing x25 Jack-o'-Lanterns.

Xmas: Photon tokens and Xmas Presents are obtainable from all enemies. droprate of PGF will be better during Xmas.

and sometimes miini event will come between seasonable events.



Photon Tokens: Summer and Xmas

Crates: Anniversary and Valentine

Be careful, some event has exclusive quest and there is custom enemy, its much more stronger than regular ones!

for e.g. Easter Event has Lost Soul Ripper and theres buffed sinows and volopt. you can play regular lost soul blade during easter as well. theres regular mobs, no worries.


  • Recommended quest for farming on solo (FO)

Crate/Token: [EP1] Wrath of Forest

Easter Egg /  Jack-o'-Lanterns: [EP2] Dolmolm Research (Normal)



for more info, plz check each event pages!


  • Photon Tokens (PTs)



You can use it to add hit%. 1PT = 1hit%, but you can't exceed 80hit. you can use it by talking to Paganini in EP2>Shop>Spooky Bazaar, also you can buy PT for 6PDs from NPC there.


  • Crates (Phantasmal, Valentine, Anniversary)



It contains various items, even includes useful weapons. max% on weapon is 100% and it could be hit% as well. (but useful weapon with 90-100% is extremely rare!)

You can get Phantasmal crate by playing daily quest, you can type /daily and see which one is today's daily. If you found one, the account can't find till next day, so you can use another account to hunt 2nd one. but You can hunt 2 crates per day at max. (finding 3rd one is not allowed, if you got 3rd one accidently plz throw it and tell GM not to cause any trouble.)

about Valentine Crate and Anniv Crate, you can hunt as much as you want :D all mobs drop it during valentine/anniversary.


  • Spooky Bazzar [EP2]

The quest has lots of functions for Players.



  • Adding Hit% by using Photon Token
  • 1~3PD shop for new players. 
  • 20PDs Mag shop (there are 4 types, 200DFF, 200POW, 200DEX and 200MIND.)
  • 20PDs Calibur / Arms Shop (there are various combinations, it's suitable for Dark Flow and Meteor.) Do not waste your PGF by using on low% calibur/arms :)
  • Photon Token shop (6:1)
  • 50PDs for adding special on weapon that doesn't have special. (Yas9000M, Type-M Shot etc)



if you have any suggestion, idea, feel free to tell me, thanks :)

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