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Collaborative Weapon, Gear and Class Build Guide 05/28/19
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Destiny Reader Update! Map Items! 05/01/24
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What's coming to Destiny PSOBB? 05/26/24
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Raid Quest: "The Discontrolled Tower" 03/06/25
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Formerly known as «・BEE'S GREEDY SHOP THREAD・» Closing this thread since I am inactive. Leaving the page filled in for posterity. ________________ Hello friendos, I now have a thread for things that AREN'T free, unlike my other thread for things. I basically only put this server's custom items here or cool stuff with hit. I haven't put any prices on things yet cuz server so new and stuff, so if you see something you want and you have some I might want (and I want way more stuff than I probably should), perhaps we can negotiate???????? Maybee???????????????? Also I'm going to keep a public log of all of my trades here for posterity so maybe people in the future can get an idea for what things go for. I guess. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ «・STUFF FOR SALE・» «・STUFF I WANT・» «・Trade Log・» «・Pending Trades・» ________________________________________________________________________________ "What do you call a particularly wealthy bee? ...A money-bee!"
Hello friendos, it is I, Bee. I ams here to tell you about my team, The Bee Team, AKA «Bee's_Team». ????ABOUT US???? :3 It is a team. It is mine. It has a Bee for the team flag. I bzz at all of my members and everyone who is not a member. But I bzz at my team's members more since they can read the team chat. ????DA RULES???? :3 Bee nice Levity is life, levity is love Pls no drama or I sting u Our team lobby is Lobby 8, the rainbow lobby (but no one goes there because it is always empty, so it is sekrit lobby shh tell no one) Pls obey server rules & don get ban Pls do not complain about your bee allergies or bad experiences with bees IRL. "Waaaah I got stung by a bee when I was 3 and I almost died, WAAAAHHH"-- no one cares. You deserved it. Think about what you did. Bees did nothing wrong. Bees did nothing wrong. Pls try help each other Look at >THIS< picture. Does that man have a point? ???????????? Pls try to be active maybe Pls do not point out that I copied the thread layout from PSG's thread ????BEECOMING A PART OF THE COLONY???? :3 Bees are notoriously territorial and can get defensive when approached by foreign bees. If you are a worker or a drone bee, first we must apply a newspaper to separate our colonies. Then, gradually, our workers will tear through this newpaper and the odor of each colony will begin to mix. Eventually holes will become large enough for bees to travel between colonies. This gradual acclimation will prevent fighting from breaking out between each colony's workers. However, if you are a queen bee, you cannot join as the ultimate goal is to form one colony, there is a limit of one queen bee per colony, and I am the queen. In the case you are a queen bee, you must find a queenless colony on your own or through the aid of an experienced beekeeper. Alternatively you could commit suicide, but this is not recommended. If you are feeling suicidal please call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255. ????BEECOMING A PART OF THE TEAM???? :3 Say you want to join my team either in this thread or to me in game and I will invite you. Everybody is welcome-- there is no level limit, arbitrary gear requirements, etc. _________________________________
Formerly known as «・BEE'S FREE STUFF THREAD・». Closing thread since I am inactive. Leaving thread filled in for posterity. ______________ Hello friendos, I have amassed a massive stockpile of hit weapons bought from the shop, rares, and I'm giving them away for FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE to help out the needy and impoverished. Also bee sure to check out my Greedy Shop Thread for custom server stuff, hit weapons, endgame armors, etc. Basically anything I feel is too good to be let go for free. If you want anything, please leave a post here with your game name and what you want. FREE STUFF LIST «~ BREAD N' BUTTER NONRARES w/ HIT ~» «~ RARE WEAPONS ~» «~ ARMOUR ~» «~ SHIELDS ~» «~ UNITS ~» «~ MAGS ~» «~ TECHNIQUES ~» If you like, I can give you a complete set of techs (all supports, all simples, all gi-techs, all ra-techs, and grants/megid if I have them in stock). «~ ET CETERA ~» WANT LIST I'll reiterate that all of the above items are free. However, if you insist on giving me something, I won't turn down a PD, PC, Addslot, or any 50 hit common nonrare weapons I don't have. Also, it doesn't cost you anything to toss me this thread a like. :3 Here's a list of those aforementioned nonrare weapons I need: Likewise I'll appreciate donations to give away. Things like high hit nonrares (think Charge Vulcans with 50 hit) you can buy from the shop in bulk, useful hit rares (Diska of Braveman), popular common rares (Master Raven), good stat boost units (God/Heavenly/Centurion Power/Arms/Mind/HP units), good utility units (V501/Smartlink), etc. PICKUP LIST @Drexxin : Charge Gatling (5/0/0/0|50) COMPLETED ORDERS (after October 18th, 2017) ______________________________________________________________
I've started playing here relatively soon after the server started, I just haven't made an intro thread beecause lazy. I am Bee, AKA Schrödinger, AKA Peppercat, AKA whatever name I go by at the time. I started playing PSO on the Dreamcast with version 1, played on the Gamecube version, and Schtserv was my first private server I went to. My main has been a RAcaseal named Bee ever since GC. Alas the HDD that kept all of Scht's character and account data died, and everyone lost everything, including me. So quit Scht for good after that, and after a lot of deliberation, I settled on Ephinea as my PSO server of choice. I seen a thread posted over on the Ephinea forums about Destiny, so I signed up for the email notification thing when Destiny went up, and HERE I AM. Trivia: I broke my first DC copy of PSO after sitting on it on accident The oldest bee ever found was a 100-million year old bee encased in amber in Myanmar HUmar was my main class on the DC The largest species of bee is the endangered Indonesian resin bee, Megachile pluto My favorite weapon is Spread Needle (alternatively an S-rank Needle w/ arrest special) I have never been stung by a bee, and have, in fact, pet them without them becoming aggressive Unsealing Excalibur with an android is the leading cause of suicidality among PSO players