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Jim last won the day on January 4 2018

Jim had the most liked content!

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8 Neutral

1 Follower

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  1. Giving away my things (Leaving)

    Haven't been herd from anyone here since January but I luckily I seen a email from destiny. I still have everything, you can have it all ill try to get online after I get home from work in a few hours, I'll message youand see if you are around.
  2. Leaving

    Hi anyone still here who knows me I have decided I won't be back so ill be leaving for good as I have made some trading mistakes and I now have completely lost interest in playing. I'm giving away what I have left in a topic in the market section if you want it let me know via pm I will keep a look out until someone takes it but other than that I'm not going to be playing or anything else here. It was fun and I made some friends hope everything goes well.✌
  3. I'm leaving Destiny, I have lost interest in the game as missed most of the xmas event due to my self selling my c/b and not being able to obtain another. Its Probably best if someone new takes it so they can get some use out of it. 3Dts Glide divine X Three seals Angel wings 30/0/26/145 Genesis Armor HEAVEN STRIKER [0/0/40/0|25] BOONDOCK SAINTS +6 [40/0/0/40|0] COMBUSTION CANNON [0/0/0/40|0] MASTER RAVEN [0/0/40/45|0] 27 pds I'll be playing other games so just let me know and I'll try to get online to give you the item's.
  4. .

  5. .

  6. If anyone needs a FO send me a pm and i will come help if I'm free.

  7. New Flag - PGF

    Here is my picture I made it square but could you do the resize as I'm a "Computer n00b"

    This would if been my max bid so guess you win

  10. B>Glide Divine Normal & S

    Bump new topic buying Glide Divine normal and S
  11. B>Glide Divine Normal & S

    I am buying them for dts send me a pm. Also have a Elemental Shield I could add into a trad https://media.giphy.com/media/5JVeOMOG57Nok/source.gif
  12. Looking for a Hell Striker for this, I can add something more if it's got a good hit %
  13. Trading for Hu gear

    Trading some stuff for Hu gear. Daylight Scar 40/00/30/00/45hit Virus Armor: Lafuteria [4 Slots] From the Depths v802 Angel Wings 30/00/25/145 Twins/Golla/Leilla White Rati 05/145/50/00 Twins/Farlla/Pilla 30 mind mats Grants 28 & 29 Looking for: More * most wanted Mitsunari ***** Sword of Despair ** Judgement Blade ** Immortal/Ability **** Will add more soon mostly gone
  14. T>Things for Cent/Battle 

