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Everything posted by VEL(JP)

  1. Summer Event 2018: Robotnik’s Plan B

    i opened bunch of presents, but 0 galatine. is that rate lower than others?
  2. Show your screenshots

    was gonna rq cuz i dead at falz and so sleepy... 3rd SJS drop wtf? good and fast run with my friends. we took the PD PS:2nd SKYFALL dropped lol that's happened
  3. Summer Event 2018: Robotnik’s Plan B

    that storm render's EX is so powerful and useful. i love it lol bringer's right arm is not obtainable for now?
  4. S> Adepts B> Limiters

    do you mean S>Adept for Limiter? if so, i got x2 limiters for trade
  5. JaNeNbUyPlZ

    hello. please tell me when we can meet. thanks.
  6. Salem11 Shop's

    hello, i'll take 30dff mats.
  7. JaNeNbUyPlZ

    hi, i'll takeDeband LV30 disk 2pds Zalure LV30 2pds
  8. JaNeNbUyPlZ

    hello. i'll take ELEMENTAL SHIELD [def: 0 / evp: 0] 1DT this one.
  9. JaNeNbUyPlZ

    hello, i'll take that razonde lv29. PS: ty for trading!
  10. Salem11 Shop's

    hello, i'll take >Glide Divine X 35/0/45/35 (115% stats) lol --> 1 dts or 10 pds this for 10PDs.
  11. B>Dark Bridge

    i'm online now and will play till hh is over!
  12. B>Dark Bridge

    i'll take that V801.