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Everything posted by Thegmk

  1. Halloween Event 2017

    I got the Hellion Sword as well, but it has Hell...Do we know if this is reduced hell (since multi-target) or un-reduced?

    8 dts
  3. (CLOSED FOR NOW) B> Stuff / S> DTs

    Got it! Thanks, though! Also bump!
  4. (CLOSED FOR NOW) B> Stuff / S> DTs

  5. (CLOSED FOR NOW) B> Stuff / S> DTs

    bump Updated some wants.
  6. B>Dark Bridge

    Sorry need to revoke offer.
  7. (CLOSED FOR NOW) B> Stuff / S> DTs

    Bump! Updated pricing
  8. Show your screenshots

    This is what I live for!!!! Grats!!!
  9. (CLOSED FOR NOW) B> Stuff / S> DTs

    Got one now, thanks! Bump and updated!
  10. B> S/D/J/Z/R 30

    Hello! Hoping to buy all level 30 support techs. Will pay a PD a piece. Please PM me if you have any.
  11. Commands

    Seems fair enough to me! Thanks!
  12. Commands

    Will there still be an initial ID swap you can do when you create a character after the 1st week? I would like to pick whatever name I want and then choose my default section ID thereafter, if at all possible.