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Everything posted by wade1212

  1. Wade's Flea Market

    Added PGF and Immortal Battle.
  2. Show your screenshots

    Good run, ROCT. The Special Weapon drop was Soul Banish from Delbiter also.
  3. Wade's Flea Market

    added Etheral Armor
  4. Show your screenshots

    Dark Falz drop but not on good ID.
  5. cannot install

    which anti virus are u using.
  6. cannot install

    try setting as admin. also white list the whole folder. disable anti virus and windows defender. windows defender will quarantine your file so make an exception.
  7. Return of the sniper in red

    What is your name in game?
  8. Return of the sniper in red

    welcome red sniper.
  9. List of Item Combinations

    No, i was googling it and it might be an old Everquest item. Tailor Skills was everquest.
  10. List of Item Combinations

    Giant beast Armor = d virus + orb of illusions.
  11. Show your screenshots

    Yes I agree reverse dar would be terrible idea. It was only a reactionary idea. But I can think of nothing more terrible than the pictures above, aside from the server not existing.
  12. Show your screenshots

    This is no fun. How to fix this problem? Reverse DAR?
  13. Show your screenshots

    Been hunting Ill Gill Reaper for like a month during happy hour but still no luck. Today got the three other drops. I do DMR up until the Gibbles then lobby. Also 50 hit Taste of Affection.
  14. ProBlem Helpme plisss

    did u change your television or computer aspect ratio? try to set tv, computer and destiny launcher all to same ratio. your tv looks like its in 4:3 ratio. try 16:9 or full.
  15. ProBlem Helpme plisss

    maybe he wants full screen.
  16. Show your screenshots

    Back to back banners.
  17. Optical Drive Emulator PSO

    Got these ODE’s in the mail today. They are for the Saturn and Dreamcast. I sometimes play PSO on disc with broadband adapter and the Dream Pi. The server is called Sylverant. Almost nobody plays there but still cool to get on the original hardware and software.
  18. Show your screenshots

    Now congrats to me. 2nd pgf drop today.
  19. Show your screenshots

    Congrats To-hu.
  20. Show your screenshots

    Got em again.
  21. Show your screenshots

    Got em.
  22. EASTER EVENT 2020: Chaotic Casino

    let the grind begin.
  23. Destiny's Time Attack Records

    Shisui, where did u get your skin / background mods. Im interested in that layout for the tower and any other cool ones.
  24. T > 3rd Anniversary Blades

  25. Price guide

    20 dts I believe for Etheral Armor.