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Showing most liked content on 08/31/19 in Posts

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    First time being shown this quest - it was great fun!
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    About donations : Some people have been concerned about the donation system that the server offers. Remember that donations are purely optional and that all of the items you can donate to get can also be acquired at any time during the year. That's right, there are ways to increase the hit percentage on your weapons even without donations. As for the contribution money, it will be used for both server costs and to reward people who contributes to the server with their own free time. The donation system has been setup as an incentive for other people who would be willing to contribute regardless of if they are staff members or not. If you are a developer somewhere who made a really cool tool, feel free to show people around here. For more information about donations, please follow this url : https://playpso.net/forums/topic/37-qa/ About server balance : The game balance for this server has been axed towards endgame rather than the earlier difficulties. There's the possibility of adding a new difficulty to the game amongst other changes to provide a more challenging gameplay in the long run. We are still in the process of deciding how to go about it and I hope we can receive your feedback once the time comes. About new content : The server is still in its early phases, and while we had originally things planned in a specific order, I think it would be a good idea to receive feedback from the community. Thus, I will eventually host a poll in the development section of the forums to determine what kind of changes people want the most. About player X : This server will not ban a player under the premise he has done something in another community in the past. Everyone deserves a chance to redeem himself. Sometimes, people can have a bad day, we have all been through that. If that person is causing issues, said player will be dealt with in the same way as any other. About server commands : You can find the list of server commands available by following this url : https://playpso.net/forums/topic/53-commands/ About rules : The rules are available on the forums through this url : https://playpso.net/forums/guidelines/ About the procedure to contest a ban : If you are looking to contest a ban, please file a report to a GM via their inbox. If you can't contact them directly due to the ban itself, you can ask one of your friends to forward the report on your behalf (Make sure you include both your forum and game account names). For this report, you will be asked to provide enough information that proves you are either not guilty or that you reflected on what you did. If you don't take this introspection seriously, your ban appeal will be rejected. Additionally, if you have been banned for verbally abusing or ruining a player's experience, you will be asked to provide said player with a letter of apology which will be approved by the GM firsthand. If that letter is not deemed a will of good deed, your ban appeal will be rejected. The letter will then be forwarded to the victim assuming everything is in proper order. If a staff member is unsure about the credibility of your claims, your report may be double checked by other staff members. Other questions? If you have any questions regarding the server, feel free to ask them here.