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Showing most liked content on 06/01/24 in all areas

  1. 5 likes
    v0.9.12 Update Changed Ignore Blue Boxes setting so that it will always show 4 slot Armors. You can now set certain items to always show even if you're ignoring certain types of drops. If you want to see drops on the ground such as Trimates, Moons, Resist/Devil, etc. while ignoring other items this will be useful. The reader will check for a file named always_show.txt in the same directory when you first open it. If the file does not exist, a blank one should be created. In this file, you can put one item name per line to always show that item on the reader and map regardless of what types of items you're ignoring. The item names you list will ignore spaces, special characters, and capitalization, so your file could look something like this:
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