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Showing most liked content on 05/14/18 in Posts

  1. 2 likes
    After seeing Rsnemesis post their PW guide it inspired me to share one of my lazy solo farms. You can run this route to farm a couple of Epsillon every 4-5 minutes in a very consistent manner. ***BONUS*** Depending on your ID it may also be worth clearing out the rest of 2f and 3f in Tower for some easy Gibbles/Del Lillies and the easiest Delbiter/Mericarol kills in the game. YOU WILL NEED: RAcast/RAcassy with at least 10=12 freeze traps Multi-shot hell weapon Demon weapon OPTIONAL: Frozen Shooter Weapon with very high ATP ***TIPS*** Learn when Sinow are going to jump at you. Sidestep them as you lay a freeze trap. Turn around and use your multi-shot to ensure they are caught then NSS with hell to wipe them out. Use your radar to tell when they aggro (you have their attention as soon as the dot appears) To kill Epsillon you can either hit it with demon 18 times or if you have a weapon (such as Excalibur) that can actually damage then do a couple of HHH combos after 6-8 demon hits. If you don't manage to kill it in one cycle then just run around it in a circle while it uses rafoie. If you get to a point where you can activate twins then most weapons should do damage. I feel like the video is pretty self explanatory but if anyone has any questions feel free to post below or fire me a message. Also +10 cool points for anyone that recognises this music Happy hunting!
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