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Sound Level Adjustment on Headphones

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I'm not having any issues when playing with speakers, but when using headphones, the music and sound effects are way too loud.

I am using the Sony PS5 headset, and have adjusted the Chat-Game button on the headset all the way to 'Chat', but the music and sound affects still dominate the sound levels.

Clearly, it's something to do with my headset, but does anyone know a fix to force the incoming chat to dominate the sound, rather than the sound effects and music?

The Destiny launcher has sound options, but there isn't a slider to specifically adjust the chat sounds. I could play without music, but the soundtrack is excellent, and it would be dull without it.

Any help is appreciated. B|


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Try adjusting volume of destiny down in sound mixer, just search sound mixer in your search bar at bottom of your windows computer screen to get there. I know for me when using discord voice chat I need to turn the volume of destiny waaaay down in sound mixer and make sure discord is still at 100 volume in sound mixer. You need to have all the programs running you want to adjust volume of in sound mixer to see them in the mixer.

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