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Hi there! I played PSO on GC back in the day, and have played various fan PSOBB PC servers. It's been years since I last played though. This server is new to me and I was curious about it. The homepage mentions "Balanced Classes", "Awesome New Gear", "Boosted Magic", "Epic Battles", "Daily Objectives", and "Random Mini Events" among other things. I've been digging around the forums and found some new player guides. There seems to be ample info about the new and tweaked gear if I dig, but I can't find any specific info about the other things listed.

Is there somewhere that clearly defines what's been changed on this server in relation to these items?:

"Balanced Classes"

"Boosted Magic"

"Epic Battles"

Also is there a tracker somewhere that displays what's happening with the below?:

"Daily Objectives"

"Random Mini Events"

Thanks for the feedback in advance! Hoping to give this server a try at some point. Gotta finish a couple other games first xD

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Hi! Thanks!

Hmm maybe I'm missing something but clicking the arrow just scrolls down the page and shows this:

But my question is about wanting details. Like what does "Balanced Classes" mean? Are the specific class changes listed somewhere? For "Boosted Magic" how were the spells boosted? Which ones? How are they no longer outclassed? Hopefully that helps clarify what I'm asking :)

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Hi! About max stats for each char:


for e.g. HUmar/Ramar can use S/D/J/Z lv15. Melee FO don't need cry at their pretty low ata anymore, HUcaseal is no longer outclassed by HUct/RAct cuz of ATP buff (1700), etc.

but still HUmar / RAcaseal are less used tbh, but it doesn't mean they are complately useless i believe. (the gap of ATP between RAct/RAcl is 100)


Boosted magic:

Lots of enemies don't have ridiculous resists unlike vanilla multi-mode. for e.g. dark bringer had like 90-90-90-100-123, but here has 30EIC so you can deal decent damage on them. of cource we have some cool stuffs to boost magic, the rare armor PRIMAL NEXUS (lv200 FO armor that boost all tech by 30%) is one of these. 


Epic Battle:

We have some of harder contents even with Destiny's featured gear. for e.g. in Beyond the Veil (EP1>Special), at the end you fight at Buffed dragon and gol dragon (named Rathalos / Vaal Hazzak) 'at the same time' (yes its impossible to make this quest without Destiny's hardcoded technical support).  Some event has quest with custom enemy thats much stronger than regulaer one.

and especially dark falz and olga flow are buffed as you can see in the banner.

Of cource we continue to make something like that contents in the future, i hope you to stay tuned :) 


I hope this list would help you about daily quest. (plz chack tab for crates)



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Ahhh okay thanks that helps alot!

I don't know the orignal max stats per char but i can look that up and compare. Thank you for the overview of some of the classes. Looks like there's more than just stat changes to be aware of.

Magic buffs are a combination of nerfs to creatures and buffs from better items? Got it.

A combo dragon fight sounds awesome! Guess I'll just have to play and find out what has changed on all of them.

Again thanks for the information! Very much appreciated!

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8 hours ago, HaxBagoosh said:

Ahhh okay thanks that helps alot!

I don't know the orignal max stats per char but i can look that up and compare. Thank you for the overview of some of the classes. Looks like there's more than just stat changes to be aware of.

Magic buffs are a combination of nerfs to creatures and buffs from better items? Got it.

A combo dragon fight sounds awesome! Guess I'll just have to play and find out what has changed on all of them.

Again thanks for the information! Very much appreciated!

i started here about a month ago and i made every class except ramarl. let me tell you what was the most and least painful

most painful by far: RAmar pls buff wtf are up with his stats they are so low its beyond reason, ramarl is better in almost every way. both take a ton of pow mats so i would avoid these until you have a surplus of pow mats

least painful: HUnewy (once you get v802 its gg, she can out heal just about everything coming at her with deband and jellen. great for solo, great hp etc, low mat investment, stronger than she needs to be by a mile

runner up: HUcaseal (she's good, i usually prefer hucast but with the weps we have here, and her animations, and she is very near same atp as hucast, she is a very good choice)

also i enjoyed: hucast, hucaseal (HUcl might be my favorite so far) FOmar, FOmarl RAcaseal, RAcast


in my opinion someone needs to take a look at ramar and ramarl stats. they are a bit backwards. she has more evp AND more DFP with the SAME hp. makes no sense. he is still one of the best because of his ata atp and demons potential (also if you use final egg blaster you will have less than 10% hp and your hp dfp and evp wont really matter so it kinda works out) but theres no way to defend the ramar having less dfp than ramarl with same HP. i can understand higher evp but dfp? his dfp should be higher so his little resta can keep up better but nooooooooooo lmao. avoid ramar until you got some sick ranger gear, he was a nightmare to lv compared to everyone else. also i made a humar. he was pretty meh. he is weaker than hucaseal. she's a girl and girls should be weaker than boys but destiny dont care lmao. i stopped using him because i felt like i was wasting mats once i found out he wasnt even second strongest hu. 


fomar and fomarl are cool too, i havent used them in a minute but they can be good but you will need Last emperor and hit demon weps to make them efficient in battle. at lv 200 force can equip paragon frame which adds like 800 to your resta. you will basically be able to full heal the entire party and yourself with 1 resta, healing roughly 1700+ hp depending on the force/mst: fonewy is the highest resta reaching 2020 resta iirc


so in short my sujestions are hucaseal hucast hunewy fonewm racast racaseal 

starting with a cast is cheaper, less mats, no skill disks. hucast has the most hp so personally i made him first, also most atp. that would be good for surviving rathalos which is a super boss on this server from monster hunter (pretty neat if you like monster hunter, its a cute tribute) and rath drops a great sword call great rathalos sword or rathalos greatsword or something. he is also the hardest boss so you might want native dark weps over machine dark weps like you might on other servers. just some things to consider. good luck!

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RAmar is not really bad tbh, especially in certain quest that requires FO and RA with decent demon weapon. RAmarl is weak if theres already FO with lv35 S/D, thus both characters have advantage each other. for solo'ing RAmarl has more advantage i think, but if the quest doesn't need zalure so much, then RAmar could also be an option.

about HUmar... got lv200 but stopped to use him since the lv200 game lol

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Thanks for your'e opinion sam


For myself i have testet all 4 FO's i would definitly recommend them for new players on this server exspecialy newman

I also like both Hucaseal for group play and Huneyw for Solo play

i have not testet Hucast und Humar but they have huge dmg potential -> Humar with Christmas Spirit could be huge

If started a RAmar and i really like him with his high ATA potential 248 + Shadowcloak + Blue Phnatom field

Important is play what you like theres always a kind of meta but there are some unique playstyles other pso server cannot offer

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Thanks all for input. It is hard for me to pick based on play style. It's not like something says "this is the healer", "this is the tank", haha.

When I first ever played on GC I played HUmar, so there is some nostalgia there. Played it more on PSOBB.

I played a lot of RAcast on PSOBB, and I think I played some FOnewearl. 

I have NEVER reached level 200. I usually burn out from being unable to hit anything (missing attacks is HIGHLY annoying). So hopefully this is the time I finally make it there. I think my top was in the 180s.

Maybe you all can help me pick what characters to play? I will probably play Solo or with a buddy of mine I'm trying to get to play with me. I'd play with others but I'm so busy it would probably be impromptu.

HUmar would be my lean for a hunter cause I like the idea of being able to cast while I fight, but if is super lack luster after all the effort to get to 200 then I'd be less inclined.

HUcast I would consider for sure if HUmar is out. Maybe HUney What are their primary purposes?

If I did another Ranger it would be RAcast or a caster variant. Which would be best at 200? What are their primary purposes?

For FO I probably just want the most damage potential. What fits best for that? I actually do love playing support in most games, but as I said I'll probably be playing mostly solo, so more damage/survivability may be best. And forgive me but I have forgotten how the game treats DFP and EVP. Is it just if either stat is high enough it results in a block?

Edited by HaxBagoosh

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why ramarl dfp would be higher than ramar? it doesnt match the lore or the theory of the character. they are both rangers. males have more atp dfp hp, generally than females. so for a male RA and female RA stats to scale this way is strange. it is a mistake? i think either buff the ramar dfp or nurf the ramarl evp/ hp.

i dont understand the reason reason why she should have that many stats over ramar. they are both ranger. i coould understand if she was a hunter. but both rangers. so they should compare pretty directly, both human too. and yet ramar get short end of stick. and i totally understand he is a glass cannon, i get that. but why is girl ranger less glass? she has more mst, that usually means less dfp/hp.

 and yes agreed  ramar is still potentially the best ra due to his atp demons potential and ata however the issue is he has no good resta/ mst, no buffs or debuffs to really brag about, and he cant take a hit. while ramarl on the other hand has higher lv deband, higher lv jellen higher lv resta and more mst making stronger resta, higher dfp so she take less damage, and more EVP with the SAME HP, nearly the same demons and ata potential as ramar, with less atp.

for a new player this would be strange. imagine starting fresh on ramar because you think he is the coolest. then you die so much you give up and you dont bother making girl ranger because boy ranger couldnt take a hit she must be like paper but secretly she is a tank in comparison who can outheal and block damage


im not asking for much, 100 dfp idk or 100 hp idc. i believe he should have an edge over ramarl in at least one of these areas

there would still be viability in both ramar and ramarl if the ramars dfp was boosted or if the ramarl dfp/hp was reduced. 

and if hucaseal atp is 1700 why not humar 1720 lets goo

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