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HUmar, Hunewearl, HUcast, HUcaseal

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I always love melee on RPGs and so I've usually played HU- characters more than anything. Though my first 200 will be a RAmarl simply because it always seems RAs are easier to group with before you have great gear. 

In deciding where to focus my efforts I want to understand the pros and cons of the different HU characters. I also know some of the rules on Destiny are different (like giving HUmar's lvl 15 s/d thank goodness, or else they'd just be garbage).

I am operating under the assumption this data for shifta/deband is right:


And these stat caps are right:

That results in the following solo (self-buffed with S/D) stats:



HUmar  = 2,060 (1600 + 28.2% from lvl 15 shifta)
HUnew  = 2,020 (1500 + 34.7% from lvl 20 shift)
HUcast = 1,830
HUcase = 1,700

HUmar  =  210
HUnew  =  209
HUcast =  201
HUcase =  228

HUmar  = 2,190
HUnew  = 1,980
HUcast = 2,350
HUcase = 2,120

HUmar  =  974 (760 + 28.2% from lvl 15 deband)
HUnew  =  970 (720 + 34.7% from lvl 20 deband)
HUcast =  880
HUcase =  680

HUmar  =  830
HUnew  =  900
HUcast =  750
HUcase = 1060



HUmar - best ATP and ATA by only a little. Defense is meh and Evasion is crap.  
HUnewearl - near best ATP and ATA, massive Evasion. Good Resta. Do they get jellen/zalure?
HUcast = great ATP in groups when buffed by someone else's s/d. ATA is sad. DFP and EVP really suck actually.
HUcaseal = 2nd best ATP in groups. Have an item that can self buff s/d, right? Great ATA and EVP. Defense not great.

Q1: Are there any other animation or weapon option differences I should be aware of?

Q2: The female HU get access to some powerful weapon, right?

Q3: Is the S-red blade the same as vanilla? A level 3 shift/deband? That's +12.6% and changes things a bit:

Q4: At HUmar/HUnewwearl attack techs even worth thinking about or factoring them in? Or is it really just shifta/deband and resta that matter here.

Obviously in a group with a FO, the -casts are going to really soar with their higher base stats getting buffed by the level 30 shifta/deband. And same thing for when they use Milla/Pilla shift/deband buff from their mag.

HP: The HP of HUmar and the two *casts is solid. This is probably the main area where Huney is behind. But at 2k+ hp does it matter?

Personal bias: Having resta means you can keep rolling without having to run out of mates. That is pretty nice. I have a state/maintenance now (woot!) so while it takes a unit slot, it means my Humans and Newmans have that problem handled. So my humans/newmans save 2 inventory slots (no telepipes, no sol atomizers), but probably give back 1 or 2 slots to fluids.

Given all this, I'm not sure where to lean on my preference for my primary HU character. Maybe that means they are balanced? Of course there are some questions about about things I don't yet understand.

What do you all think of the different HU- classes and any other helpful suggestions on how to think about this when deciding which one to prioritize?



Edited by Muckbeast

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Q1: Are there any other animation or weapon option differences I should be aware of?

some of dagger/double saber are OP in this server, so HUcl has more advantage out of stats cuz of her better battle motion. 

Q2: The female HU get access to some powerful weapon, right?

no, male can access to Taste of Affection (high atp mech gun with zerk)

Q3: Is the S-red blade the same as vanilla? A level 3 shift/deband? That's +12.6% and changes things a bit:


Q4: At HUmar/HUnewwearl attack techs even worth thinking about or factoring them in? Or is it really just shifta/deband and resta that matter here.

no. just buff/debuff/heal and gizonde to kill vol-opt form #1. etc.


i'd say HUcl for PT play, HUnl for solo (or PT if there are no FO)

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7 minutes ago, VEL(JP) said:

Q1: Are there any other animation or weapon option differences I should be aware of?

some of dagger/double saber are OP in this server, so HUcl has more advantage out of stats cuz of her better battle motion. 

Q2: The female HU get access to some powerful weapon, right?

no, male can access to Taste of Affection (high atp mech gun with zerk)


i'd say HUcl for PT play, HUnl for solo (or PT if there are no FO)

I thought the female HU had an extra double saber weapon they had access to? Maybe I am just thinking of their animation.

What makes the female animation for double sabers better?

Who has the better SWORD animation?

It sounds like you prefer the female HU and I assume it all boils down to animations? And then android vs. android is solo vs. team, with android being better in a team?

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Here's another topic with the HP / TP stats for all classes included. I added the max stats to that google sheet, though I think TP are still wrong. And the HP/TP on the website wade linked seems to be broken.


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6 hours ago, wade1212 said:


Check HP caps as well as others here.  Assuming its still up to date.


5 hours ago, Orgodemirk said:

Here's another topic with the HP / TP stats for all classes included. I added the max stats to that google sheet, though I think TP are still wrong. And the HP/TP on the website wade linked seems to be broken.


Added HP info to original post.

So what do you all think about the different HU* classes and how they compare in overall power/function and playability?

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Most powerful is Hucast.  

For solo pgf runs Hunewearl rules.  Humar is good also but u need a zalure weapon for Olga.

Hucaseal there is a Evasion build which i like, Reflex Gear.

Personal favorite is maybe humar.


Edited by wade1212

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