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Everything posted by Aeroprism

  1. Old man PSO and music lover

    Hello beautiful people. Trying your lovely server for a few days at least. So far it's quite a rush. One "forest run" (the map, not the movie) + one "Wrath of forest" and I'm already level 19. It's insaaaaaaane. In my experience, too easy tends to ruin a game but considering how ridiculously grindy vanilla PSO is, I think I can live with x5 EXP, Oh yeah, I'm supposed to talk about me here. Old Canadian lumberjack here. English isn't my first language so, sorry if I get grammatically creative. Been into Phantasy Star since my teenage years with Phantasy Star 2 in 1989. It's by far my favorite game franchise, I love the classics, I love PSO, I like PSU, I find the rest ok at best. Getting old sucks, you tend to disagree with everything. If you're even a little into Phantasy Star, my name will ring a bell because: Aeroprism is a key item in the original series I've been using this name for almost 30 years now I'm mostly known for my music remixes! I've been remixing Phantasy Star music since the early 2000s, you can discover and hear them here. As for PSO, I've never been good with teams BUT will not shy away from joining people here. I'm really not familiar with damage cancel and all that jazz. I tend to be a bit slow when I clear maps. Operative word: clear. I like to take it room by room, enjoy the sights, smell the coffee. PSO remains a really beautiful game for its age.
  2. List of server features

    A very big thanks for all those who helped here! I'm gonna pop over the introduction section to say hi but from then, I'll mostly be on the Discord server with all my annoying questions.
  3. List of server features

    Hello beautiful people. Long time PSO player here scouting different private PSO servers to find a home: PSO is my emotional blanket, I keep coming back to it. While the website is pretty and very well done, it's perhaps a bit succinct. Is there a list of features this server has? What makes it unique? What do you guys mean by "tweaked classes" etc? You know, data and numbers Thank you!
  4. List of server features

    Well, I leapt. One new FOnewearl on your happy server. If I like the place, I imagine more characters will come. So far, it's fun. Level 10 after ONE pass through the forest = little bit insane. Also: my very first Rappy was a Pal. Wonder if it's an omen. My Fo seems a lot tankier than she should. A Fonie getting whacked by a Hildebear on her first Forest pass AND surviving? Not usual. Question: Did I start with 100K meseta? I find myself unusually rich. Last question, this one for our dear admins: 7 people on the server. That not a lot to justify effort. Is this place really going to last? It really does look cozy and super fun and I can see myself finding a PSO-Home here, but it would be sad to see it go away in a few months. Thanks for setting this place up. You guys are all beautiful.
  5. List of server features

    I'm guessing that these two are just false positives:
  6. List of server features

    So what you guys are saying is that after thousands of hours of loving my rangers and liking my hunters but tolerating my forces, I could finally live my dream of having a FOnewearl that could go BAM BAM BAM FOIE YOU'RE ALL DEAD. I like.
  7. List of server features

    Thank you all for the info given so far. I gather that this server has end-game quite dear to its heart, with lots and lots of options tailored to that need, including a very fast track to get there. Still weighting all my options. Don't hesitate to add more details if anything comes to mind