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Everything posted by brotokusumo

  1. Izsha's Trade List

    Okay, that will be 11pm at my time. Will try my best to be online at that time
  2. Izsha's Trade List

    Great! I happen to be offline atm, if i may ask, what time usually you are online ? My time zone is GMT+7
  3. Izsha's Trade List

    Hi im interested with: Celestial Fusion. Zu Punishment Skyfall Are these still available for trade?
  4. Zion Shop Update (17/12/2024)

    Ill take PSYCHO WAND [0/35/20/0|0] for 3 PT please mail me if you are going online. thanks
  5. Zion Shop Update (17/12/2024)

    Hi how much do you sell this? PSYCHO WAND [0/0/0/35|0] Thanks
  6. Zion Shop Update (17/12/2024)

    i am online now, if you are ready, i will make a room for you
  7. SNOW's Sell List

    Hi id like to buy lv 20 tech (Shifta Deband Jellen Zalure Resta) please
  8. Zion Shop Update (17/12/2024)

    Hi, how much for these in PT? Centurion Power GRAVE DIGGER [0/55/0/30|0] Thanks
  9. Trade List!

    coming. just checked in at work, will make time to log in
  10. Trade List!

    Hi i'd like to buy these items in PT Centurion/Battle: 2 PT DEATH REAPER [30/0/40/0|0] 1 PT thanks
  11. Trade List!

    Hi there, is it possible for me to buy hallowed garment and haunted helm for 2 PD total? i have 1 luck mats also. just starting psobb from scratch, thats all i have now. thanks