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Everything posted by gesseluis

  1. Reverse Auction

    169 PDS
  2. Roland's Trade List

    TECHS- razonde 29, rabarta 29, shifta 29 and deband 30, i take this!
  3. Zion Shop Update (17/12/2024)

    New itens!
  4. Zion Shop Update (17/12/2024)

    BEM VINDOS, ao Zion Shop, fiquem a vontade para ver os itens e também comprá-los Welcome to my Shop, feel free to also and buy Come spend your pds, dts and tokens here, just what matters, for the price that matters SPECIAL ITENS D-VIRUS ARMOR [slots: 0 / def: 0 / evp: 0] 10 DT PRIMAL NEXUS [slots: 1 / def: 0 / evp: 0] 15 DT REFLEX GEAR [slots: 4 / def: 0 / evp: 0] 15DT RED RING [def: 0 / evp: 0] 10DT BAT WING [def: 0 / evp: 0] 15 DT BAT WING [def: 0 / evp: 0] 15 DT State/Maintenance 10 DT PB/Flow 5 DT V503 8 DT Magic Stone "Iritista" x2 – 2DT 6th Anniversary Cell – 25 DT Blueprint: Astral Dragon – 30 DT Astral Essence – 90 DT Orb of Illusions – 35 DT Dark Matter – 10 DT D-Photon Core x2 – 15 DT RATHALOS GREATSWORD +15 [0/0/15/35|0] – 20 DT TWIN CYCLONE +14 [40/0/0/0|20] – 25 DT ETERNAL NIGHT +95 [0/20/0/15|80] – 25 DT HELLFIRE SHIELD [def: 0 / evp: 0] – 25 DT Immortal/Battle – 15 DT
  5. S> Bat Wing closed

    S> BAT WING [def: 21/ evp: 9]- how much this?
  6. [SOLD] S> Astral Essence

    how much?
  7. Nyanchi's Sell List

    how much? LAST EMPEROR [0/0/5/100|0]
  8. Next content sneakpeek

    This will be a Real christmas catastrophe
  9. A good place for new accounts?

    Hello, I'm over 40 years old, already an adult obviously, I don't see a better place to enjoy this game, yes I'm also from the time of schtserver, which was very irresponsible resetting everything, but it's over. Anyway, I've been here for 4 years, the ease of getting everything is stimulating, there are so many combinations that you can make a hunter mage with level SD 35. Due to my time here, everything is possible to get. This is a good and bad point, because you don't need to have someone to help you hunt for things, because the server works so that you are self-sufficient in everything, whether it's leveling up or finding items! But of course a party is much better.
  10. Nyanchi's Sell List

    i am on line now
  11. Nyanchi's Sell List

    HI! you can sell me this mag?! Kama- level 65 (0/34/31/0) for use in my mag cell 6th ^^
  12. please close

    HALLOWED GARMENT [slots: 1 / def: 15 / evp: 18]- 20 pds or 5 tokensHALLOWED GARMENT [slots: 0 / def: 23 / evp: 14]- 20 pds or 5 tokens
  13. Show your screenshots

    Xena Say- ''give me pgf'' cg!
  14. Zion Shop Update (17/12/2024)

    Sorry!! sold out!
  15. Nyanchi's Sell List

    APOCALYPSE BOWGUN [0/0/80/0|0] - 10pds i will take this! just for my collection!
  16. About Anniversary items

  17. Show your screenshots

    Now, i am Poor XD!
  18. About Anniversary items

    In my opinion, anniversary items should always return in anniversary events (the previous ones with a lower droprate, to maintain a considerable value). About items that can only be obtained once, well, it's painful to say, but it's a little unfair, as they come in specific missions, and are difficult, having to have a team of 3 or 4 players (final destination ttf), you don't know how much it hurt me not to get the items because I didn't have a team to play with. Although my vote will be for the items to return at another time as a continuous drop, I would be happy to know that those who can't get them this year will be able to try next year, or buy in the meantime from another player, making a very rotating market. My fear is that the items on this server will end up having an ending like the previous one I played, where in 7 years I never managed to have 1 pgf, or weapons with hits, due to the values of impractical items, for example (1 pgf cost 300 to 500 dts) A beautiful example of this is the Christmas Spirit every Christmas we have the chance to catch it, wings of life, valentine wings at the Valentine's Day event, and so on. But anyway, I don't know what the central idea of the server is, giving everyone opportunities or having players with unique characters (which isn't all bad either). Whichever option wins, here will still be the best server. PS = magic if you have 2nd anniversary wings sell me one!(desperate emoji here) PS 2= I couldn't remove the bold text
  19. Nyanchi's Sell List

  20. Nyanchi's Sell List

    talk to Xena
  21. Nyanchi's Sell List

    ok i buy! you are on line now?
  22. Nyanchi's Sell List

    Raygun [Devil's] [35/0/0/60|50] HOW MUCH THIS?
  23. Zion Shop Update (17/12/2024)

    blue print on!