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Showing most liked content on 01/29/25 in Posts

  1. 1 like
    2 weapons have been buffed from this update! 1.ANO RIFLE Required: RAcaseal Hits 3-3-3 (N/H/S) ATP+150 2.ZANBA Required: HUmar Hits 1-1-3 (N/H/S) Speed +15% Buffed Angle (45.0 → 55.0) Only RAcaseal can use buffed Anorifle and only HUmar can use buffed Zanba. Stay tuned! Destiny Official Discord: https://discord.gg/gsQQypduKn
  2. 1 like
    You said to have fun! So, I just wanted to give some laughs and a free bump. Trolling is a more nefarious act, mine was more friendly (I hope, lol). Sweet, thanks for clarifying the authorization. I've bought an item and got it confiscated it the past (schthack) due to the seller not being authorized to sell it.