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Showing most liked content on 11/28/24 in Posts

  1. 1 like
    Hello everyone, I am posting here following a debate we had on Discord, I would like to know your opinion on the following question. If there were a future modification on very high rate drops, let's take for example SS rank tear Nel's claw, would it bother you knowing that you have already obtained this item in question, with the rate that we currently know of 1/25207.97 or does it not bother you because you would be happy that other players could obtain it. If I ask this question today it is not by chance as you know the Destiny staff brings very good modifications to the equipment of the basic game and I would personally find it a shame not to be able to take advantage of it in a decent way because thanks to this kind of addition we can finally vary the way of playing as well as the weapons that we have been using for 7 years now. I thank in advance the people who will take the time to answer, by giving their opinion even if it is not the same as mine.
  2. 1 like
    Zero 641 Trade List 1DT=10PD=2PT Please message me on Discord to contact me faster. (Zero 641 in Destiny discord) GC: 42000069 TRADE: ULTIMATE DOUBLE CANNON [35/35/0/0|0] (7DT/70PD/14PT) NIGHTMARE [0/45/0/50|20] (15DT/150PD/30PT)
  3. 1 like
    (Updated 8/4/2024) Hey. Welcome to my shop. If you're going to buy some stuff from the market, buy it from me first lol. Wants: Blue Colored things Money lol 1DTs = 2PTs = 10 PDs GC: 42007240 Swords & Melee Stuff: *added* 8/3/2024 Guns & Pew Pew's: *NEW* 8/4/2024 Force Weapons: Armor & Shields: *added* 8/3/2024 Units: *NEW* 8/4/2024 Mags: *added* 8/3/2024 Other: Gimme your Money...