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Showing most liked content on 08/16/24 in Posts

  1. 1 like
    1 DT = 10PD = 2 PT THE DESIRES ARE: DT, PD, PT, PS, PGF, WEAPON CS [40/0/40/0/0] sell HEAVEN STRIKER [0/0/0/0|40] SOUL DEVOURER [0/100/0/90/ 90 ] ILL GILL REAPER [0/25/0/0|0] JUDGEMENT BLADE +40 [0/0/0/35| 35 ] KITETSU [25/0/0/0| 35 ] TypeGU/MECHGUN [Démon] [0/25/0/0| 30 ] EGG BLASTER [0/20/0/0| 20 ] SNOW QUEEN +18 [0/30/0/0| 35 ] YASMINKOV 9000M [0/0/0/0| 55 ] ZU'S PUNISHMENT [25/0/0/40|40] HEAVEN STRIKER [0/0/0/30|50] sell SHIELD MOLTEN RING [def: 0 / evp: 0] x 2 CATACLYSM SHIELD [def: 0 / evp: 0] x 2 UNITE V802 X 2 State/Maintenance X 1 V503 MAG TWIN WRAITH [niveau 200][5/77/94/24] OTHER Mind Material x140 4th Anniversary Orb x3 Dr. Robotnik's Plan B Send me your offer by private message, thank you all for my guild card: 42003796
  2. 1 like
    how much xmas spirit?
  3. 1 like
    Hi I'm planning to implement brand-new 'summer event exclusive' quest this year, stay tuned! (this quest is not related to contents that we posted teaser on youtube)