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Showing most liked content on 02/17/24 in Posts

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    We planned to launch valentines today, but unfortunately there are still some issues with the new item. So it will take a little bit longer. Thanks for the patience <3
  3. 1 like
    added to OP Cosmetics 4th Anniversary Orb + Rathalos Great Sword = Terror Sawd 4th Anniversary Orb + Christmas Spirit = Act of War 4th Anniversary Orb + Storm Render = Twin Executioner Mag 6th Anniversary Cell + Kama (lv50+) = Recon Heart of Dark Chao + lv50+ Mag = Dark Chao Pandora's Box + lv50+ Mag = Twin Wraith Ideya Cell + lv50+ Mag = NiGHTS A New Friend + Sato = Twin Sato Dragon Tear + lv50+ Mag = Coelum