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Showing most liked content on 01/20/24 in Posts

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    Hey everyone, I'm David, and I've been playing PSO since the old DreamCast days in the end of 2000 or early 2001 (been too long to remember exactly lol). Well, I've recently joined this server, and am looking forward to seeing all the new custom goodies. David
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    Yes Gatene, government quests are done in "normal" aka multiplayer mode. You will find them in the principal's room, talk to lady to the left of principal. Note that players can join you at anytime during these quests. For ep2 you can find government quests in the lab. For all other quests, no players can join once started. I can relate, this also confused me the first time I played blue burst.
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    @Isaac i put it aside for you Hit me up in game bro