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Showing most liked content on 01/04/24 in Posts

  1. 2 likes
    also Anniversary Crate drop is available PD prize in World of illusion [ep2 > anniversary] is available enjoy i'll stream on discord when i'm playing TTFD (i hope it'll help someone )
  2. 1 like
    sounds tiny tips but REALLY important ones for better runs. You need to check when your invincible time expires. so watch out time the counter. espcecially darvant phase and MF. (it makes possible to survive without any death at darvant phase ) Your 2nd mag that doesn't need sync120% (for millenium fury, i'm using Twin Sato) must have 0 IQ instead of 200. Mylla&Youlla with 0 IQ will give you lvl1 S/D, thus you can revive your teammates and after the PB, still possible to get invincible from belra's attack. with max IQ (lvl21 S/D) you can't get invincible even with lower DFP setup. let's feed 200 anti paralyze If you have any question about this quest, feel free to ask. but no "how to clear this!?" plz
  3. 1 like
    TTFD is now available for 1 week until january 10th. Enjoy!
  4. 1 like
    Thank you for the wonderful event. Here is a video of what we did
  5. 1 like
    here is example of my HU build for TTFD. HUcaseal with 1930HP Why HP is1930? You need 2000+ for falz: Weps: Shield: Armor: Unit: Mag: