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Showing most liked content on 06/05/19 in Posts

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    part 3 about Class Builds for Hunter and Ranger is done still Forces to cover
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    Again these are guidelines for giving you ideas when making builds they are not absolute and I do not claim they are the best but upon my experimentation, they are for my playstyle. Some are only theorized for currently Hunewearl Ramarl Racaseal because I did not experimented them. All the builds presented were tested except for some specific SET and also at the exception of Racaseal which is the last Class which I have to level which won't change much comparing to Racast, some possible niche weaponry and the theorized TA Builds (but I did saw some runs with gear mentioned) Again you're absolutely welcome to contribute any section of the guide Regarding Tower : you can opt to carry either Archfiend Armor or RIng of Fire or Behemoth Armor with Molten Ring to gain significant resist in either EDK or EFR or a lesser mix of both Regarding Mag choice. Gael Gill is preferred for his weird yet useful ability to trigger more often if synch is 101%+ (95%/60%/95%) Recon (mag) works same as Gail Giel but it doesn't drain your HP. only obtainable by using 6th Anniversary cell on Kama. (it has animation like regular enemy has!) If you're running any Human with DVL Setup for TA, I Highly suggest using Twin Sato (it spins when trigger) for not killing yourself in the process or having to heal every 20 steps or carrying NON optimal unit...HP Flow and you could choose to equip Shadow Cloak to not get 1hko by the traps. Builds for Characters
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    About Armors / Shields DFP/EVP and Units Destiny PSO BB removes the old fallback feature that made DFP/EVP quite irrelevant in Vanilla where you would even aim for the lowest your can get in some character to abuse the fallback feature. Its now part of History Because here ,Monsters surrounding you is situation you don't want unless you can trap or can/have enough DFP/EVP To tank it/evade/or being a force being able to JZ quick but nonetheless getting comboed by ennemies solo and surrounded is never optimal (the exception being Bulclaw when farming crates/photon tokens in event). So in Short Here DFP/EVP is relevant and on some class/build one of your goal may be to max it and also you may "build" your characters differently by the vast amount of various endgame armors PSo BB Destiny features. ARMORS/SHIELDS UNITS