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Showing most liked content on 01/18/18 in Posts

  1. 1 like
    Well, it's definitely not the case that we ran out of drop slots. There's still so much garbage drops as well as drops with ridiculous high rate (yellowboze PSYCHO WAND 1/233100,23 for example). So we could go on for a good while. The reason we did this is that Dark Falz Buster was going to be removed anyway for reasons. So we were just left with two empty slots, and conveniently filled those with Skyfall and Eternal Night.
  2. 1 like
    The 5x EXP at all times (and possible leveling curve for lower levels) is something that characters below Ultimate will appreciate for sure! I'm disappointed to see Dark Falz Buster (a non-event original weapon to the server) being removed from the drop table. I understand the intention of wanting to add Skyfall and Eternal Night to the drop table (which is great!) and needing to remove two drops to make this happen. Instead of removing both drops for Dark Falz Buster, I feel like removing 1 of the 3 Red Ring drops and 1 of the 2 Dark Falz Buster (or DF Shield) drops would have accomplished adding both new weapons while retaining Dark Falz Buster as a drop as well.