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B>Lavis h100/Froozen Shooter h100/etc

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Offering for lavis:

Double Fury 0/0/100/100/80 (or Lavis Storm 100/100/0/0/80)

Parasitic gene "flow"

Dark Flow 100/0/0/100/50


Photon Sphere *3


Offering for Froozen Shooter (Snow Queen):

Snow Queen 0/0/0/100/90

Parasitic gene "flow"


Photon Sphere


Pm me if you are interested in, thanks. :)


Other wants:

Type-M SHOT H100

Armageddon H90+

Twin Cyclone H100

Spread Needle (Hell Needle) H90+

Calibur H90+

Egg Blaster (Raygun) H90+



(here is old thread)


Looking for:

Something interesting and useful stuffs from crate with H90+ (not looking for useless ones like Inferno blade h90 Psycho wand h90 etc)

if you found and willing to sell, let me know with your price/offer/wants :)

Especially looking for Lavis Cannon/Blade hit90+, Raygun H90+(EGG BLASTER), and calibur H90+ (i got 0/0/100/100/80 one and can do this + something also). Looking for H100 snow queen as well (I'd offer H90 SQ, PGF and 50DTs).


i already have

SQ hit90

ToA hit90

Soul Devouler hit100


what i can offer:

Hit80 weps (this means your H90+ one for my 100/100/80 + DTs or something. set of DF, FEB Armageddon, DM etc.)

Dark Flow 100/0/0/100/50


ETERNAL NIGHT 100/0/0100/80 and 0/100/100/0/80

Planet Eater 0/0/100/100/80

Double Fury 0/0/100/100/80 (or i can offer Lavis Storm 100/100/0/0/80 as well if you can sell lavis)

ILL GILL REAPER 0/0/50/50/60 100/100/0/0/80 , 0/0/100/100/80

Cryo warheads

2nd Anniv wings

3rd Anniv blades

Donation tokens (~300)


Photon Sphere*3-4

PDs/PTs/TP amts 



i'll pay well for good lavis, H100 froozer (not frostbite), calibur and raygun.

thanks. :)


PM me! TY!


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