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Destiny 0.7.133 (Updates about Weapon's Attribute% Hit% Area% Patterns etc)

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***Destiny 0.7.133***


・The rate for Hit% in EP2 is improved.
Generally, except Yellowboze, the Hit% rate is really low in EP2 compared to other Episodes despite of the difficulty. So other IDs now have same Hit% rate as Yellowboze in EP2.

・The rate for "NONE%" in  EP2 and latter areas of EP4 are reduced.
In EP2/4, you have much worse chance to get weapon with 2~3areas % compared to EP1 despite of the difficulty. Now you have better chance to get decent stats than before in EP2/4.

Latter areas of EP4:


Crater (Interior)
Desert 1/2/3

・The Area% Patterns in EP4 are improved.
Despite of the difficulty, the Area% Patterns in EP4 were pretty bad.

Improved Area% Patterns:


Crater (E/W/S/W): 3/2/1
Crater (Interior): 3/3/3
Desert 1/2: 4/3/3
Desert 3: 4/4/3
EP4 BOSS Map: 4/4/4


・The droprate of Lv30 attack techs are improved.
As you know, getting Lv30 attack techs is REALLY HARD. Now the droprate is better than before. But it's still not easy hunt.

・You can buy ×5 Photon Tokens at once in Bazaar from this update.
Thanks to [VR Test Destiny: Underground [EP2>VR], You prolly want more Photon Tokens for Legendary Crates, but the NPC only sells 1 by 1 before this update.



・TP materials are obtainable as random drop in Seabed, Tower and Desert3 (Ultimate only)
The droprate is same as Luck Materials.

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