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disconnecting pb blasts

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pretty much cant use photon blasts or i will get disconnected. the problem seems to get worse if i am doing one of the photon blasts as well, havent tested fully but donating doesnt seem to dc me. anyone else having this issue? ive noticed if the last person comes in late with their pb it almost always will disconnect me. 

im usually the first guy to suggest a photon blast but lately it has not been worth it


any help is appreciated!


i have ran the launcher every time i open the game btw, as far as troubleshooting goes this is the only info i have that could help idk

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Since it is a fairly old game, it may be beyond the scope of current PC care, and setting the MTU to 1420 may improve it, but at your own risk... desuxu

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This may be a result of packet loss , could try these.


power cycling your router, switching from Wi-Fi to ethernet, and changing ethernet ports. You can also go into your router settings to update firmware or activate Quality of Service (QoS) settings.

Edited by Retro

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