With recent events about a longer time PSO player and quest maker named GuardianGirth, it came to light that this person basically is a pedophile, harassing and tricking young female players in the PSO community.
Such offenses are never treated lightly at Destiny, and we have always been striving to be a safe place to play PSO for players of all ages. For this reason we don't want to be affiliated in any way with "people" like Guardian Girth. So, in an effort to boycot this person, from now on we no longer host any of his quests. Thanks for understanding.
Quests affected:
If you find another quest made by GuardianGirth, be sure to let us know and we'll remove it.
Lastly, rest assured that playing on Destiny is always completely safe and harassment is never treated lightly, as visible in our rules, section "Harassment and Abuse":
If you ever encounter such behavior, or someone is harassing you, be sure to notify any Destiny staff member and the harasser will be dealt with.
That's all and safe playing!