Rules 09/21/17
Read our server/forum rules here: https://playpso.net/forums/guidelines/ -
Collaborative Weapon, Gear and Class Build Guide 05/28/19
server exclusive items, useful tips, setups, and more! -
Destiny Reader Update! Map Items! 05/01/24
Floor item reader is here! (last update: 5/2/2024) -
What's coming to Destiny PSOBB? 05/26/24
Trailer of NEW End-game contents! stay tuned! -
Raid Quest: "The Discontrolled Tower" 03/06/25
New Raid BOSS: Manipulator III, New Item "Jointparts"
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"Retrieve the control of tower from Unknown hostile force!" Find this quest in: Episode2 > Special > The Discontrolled Tower [Raid] Difficulty: 9 Boss uses Additional AoE attacks. Boss has higher HP than PSOBB limit (32767) New Role Challenge (for mor info, please check official discord!) : https://discord.gg/gsQQypduKn Wide-Screen client (psobbw.exe) is REQUIRED! If you haven't already, set a widescreen resolution in the launcher. 4:3 aspect ratio is not supported in this quest. If you are having trouble with visibility of AoE attacks, please try this Effect Pack. https://discord.com/channels/363947585154580480/1210951466404286536/1290963526315147345 This quest is Very Hard! Clear Silent Nightmare [Raid] first is highly recommended. Quest by: @VEL(JP) [New!] Jointparts (Unit) "An unknown artifact it's said to be used in the past. It enhances bond strength of certain weapons." To get Jointparts, you need to trade requested items with NPC in Bazaar (FOmar) "Cladding of Manipulator III" is only obtainable from Raid BOSS: Manipulator III @1/12 (All IDs) Custom drops in The Discontrolled Tower [Raid]: Mericus: Syncesta 1/787 (Other than WHITILL) Mericus: State/Maintenance 1/1865 (WHITILL) Astark: Trap/Search 1/900 (Other than PURPLENUM) Astark: Yasminkov 9000M 1/900 (PURPLENUM) Dorphon Eclair: Photon Token 1/400 (Other than ORAN) Dorphon Eclair: Storm Render 1/787 (ORAN) Pazuzu: Photon Token 1/400 (Other than VIRIDIA) Pazuzu: Dark Matter 1/900 (VIRIDIA) Manipulator III: Cladding of Manipulator III 1/12 (All IDs) When you are equiping Jointparts, following weapons get buffed. Mille Marteaux N/H Hits: 4-4-4 (auto-target mode and Range 130.0) S Hits: 3-3-3Hits (Yes, x9 Divine Punishments in 1 combo. Range/Angle are better than regular DP) ATP+100 MST+100 In addition, beattime restriction is removed (You can always use DP. huge thanks to @Orgodemirk ) Guld Milla N/H: Buffed Range (190.0) S: Auto-Target mode S Hits: 5-5-5 ATP+400 Dual Bird N/H/S: Buffed Range (150.0) Hits: 4-4-4 Celestial Fusion N/H/S: Buffed Range (150.0) ATA+20 MST+100 Twin Rika's Claw Animation: Claw → Dagger Hits: 2-2-2 Targets: 5 Buffed Angle, Range of Tempest special Ultimate Double Cannon Speed: +15% Buffed Range/Angle of Special Attack (135.0/35.0) ATA+20 Also Special Attack hits EP4 Lizards in the face Monster Counts:
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- official update
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***Destiny 0.7.134*** Enemy HP bar is available from now! Huge thanks and credits goes to @Orgodemirk note: it doesn't work for barbaray and de rol le (dal ra lie) for now, will be fixed in the future. Also Tension Blasterhas been buffed when you are using with Moro (mag) Hits: 3-3-3
Destiny 0.7.133 (Updates about Weapon's Attribute% Hit% Area% Patterns etc)
VEL(JP) posted a topic in News & Announcements
***Destiny 0.7.133*** ・The rate for Hit% in EP2 is improved. Generally, except Yellowboze, the Hit% rate is really low in EP2 compared to other Episodes despite of the difficulty. So other IDs now have same Hit% rate as Yellowboze in EP2. ・The rate for "NONE%" in EP2 and latter areas of EP4 are reduced. In EP2/4, you have much worse chance to get weapon with 2~3areas % compared to EP1 despite of the difficulty. Now you have better chance to get decent stats than before in EP2/4. Latter areas of EP4: ・The Area% Patterns in EP4 are improved. Despite of the difficulty, the Area% Patterns in EP4 were pretty bad. Improved Area% Patterns: ・The droprate of Lv30 attack techs are improved. As you know, getting Lv30 attack techs is REALLY HARD. Now the droprate is better than before. But it's still not easy hunt. ・You can buy ×5 Photon Tokens at once in Bazaar from this update. Thanks to [VR Test Destiny: Underground [EP2>VR], You prolly want more Photon Tokens for Legendary Crates, but the NPC only sells 1 by 1 before this update. ・TP materials are obtainable as random drop in Seabed, Tower and Desert3 (Ultimate only) The droprate is same as Luck Materials. -
Destiny 0.7.131 2 Weapons got buffed from this update! VALKYRIE 10targets Buffed Angle/Range Speed +30% Animation: Rod → Mixed FOmarl and FOneweal can use 1-1-3Hits swing when HP is lower than 13% (3rd attack is 5targets and narrower angle) RIANOV 303SNR-5 Normal Hits: 4, Heavy Hits: 3, Special Hits: 5
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- official update
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Destiny v0.7.8 (Major Update) Item buffs and new mechanics As was said in the last update notes, we now have the ability to modify items in ways not possible before. We will be using this opportunity to gradually roll out buffs and changes to existing items as well as new ones. The goal is to increase the amount of useful items in the game (even vanilla items), encourage more diverse playstyles, and to close the gap between custom and vanilla gear in terms of power. These modifications can include changes to animation, number of hits/projectiles, set bonuses and much more. Some weapons now truly feel like a completely new weapon type, and we think this breath of fresh air is what PSO needs. The buffs are not only targeted to endgame players, but also to intermediate and new players. This goes hand in hand with droptable changes to provide the freshest and most fun PSO experience blue burst has to offer. Below is a list of buffs with this update. And it's just the beginning! Massive credit to @Orgodemirk for doing the coding to make this all possible. Droptable changes Droptable has been updated (by @VEL(JP)), for more info please check below. Higher enemy HP We now have the ability to modify enemy HP freely, thus can set HP higher than 32,767 from this update. (credit goes to @Magic). This is not in the game yet, but will be part of upcoming content. Demons immunity We now can add the ability: 'Demons Immunity' to Enemies. (credit goes to @Magic) Bugfixes Skin glitch was fixed on TJS, Astral Dragon and Venus Bow, and some other small bugfixes ■Weapons Update! From this update, various weapons got buffed. (credit goes to @Orgodemirk, each weapons are upgraded by Destiny Development team) ・TSUMIKIRI J SWORD Targets: 10→5 Hits: 1-1-1 → 3-3-3 (Normal/Heavy) / 5-1-1 (Special) Animation: Sword → Custom Also skin has updated by @Magic and Samurai Armor buffs TJS's ATP by 30%, ATA+20 ・EXCALIBUR Required: Tellusis Range: 14.0 → 25.0 Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-1-3 Animation: Saber → Double Saber ・DAYLIGHT SCAR Targets: 1→3 Range: 14.0 → 25.0 ・NEI'S CLAW (REAL) Targets: 1→3 Range: 14.0 → 25.0 Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-2-4 (3rd attack takes time a bit) Animation: Claw → Custom Video: ・DARK METEOR Required: Low HP (under 12% like Dark Flow) Hits: 1-1-1 → 1-1-3 (Normal/Heavy) / 1-1-5 (Special) Video: ・SOUL DEVOURER Required: Paragon Frame Hits: 1-1-1 → 1-2-5 (Normal/Heavy, 3rd attack takes time a bit) / 1-1-3 Animation: Slicer → Custom In addition ATP+100, hits Lizards in the face ・OROTIAGITO Required: Samurai Armor Targets: 1→3 Range: 14.0 → 25.0 Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-2-2 In addition all attacks have faster battle speed (by 35%) and special attack has better range/angle (150.0/15.0) ・KUNAI Required: Ninja Suit Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-2-4 Animation: Card → Slicer In addition ATP+50, ATA+20 ・HELLION SWORD (During Halloween Event only) Required: Haunted Helm + Hallowed Garment ATP+387, ATA+21 ■Droptable Update ・Previous update (0.7.7)
Game changes Droptable updated (please check below) Added banner to Amitie's memo, Pioneer Parts, Tablet, Yahoo! Engine, Heart of Morolian, Section ID Cards. ■VERY HARD ■Ultimate Also you can check official droptable list, thanks! https://playpso.net/drop-tables?diff=3#ep4 Drop table editted by @VEL(JP) , approved by @Magic