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Everything posted by IronKage

  1. Reverse Auction

    16 DT
  2. Reverse Auction

    Bid 18DT and 5 PD (185 PD)
  3. IronKage's Shop

    1 Donation Token = 2 Photon Token = 10 Photon Drops RA HU FO Units
  4. Zarien shop uodated 2.0 added premium updated

    I would like to buy Ninja Suit if it's still available.
  5. Nyanchi's Sell List

    Is bat wing still available? And how much
  6. S/T>Astral Essence - Sold

    Trade Astral essence for 2 bat wings or for DT PM me for inquiries
  7. IronKage's Shop

    *Updated Shop
  8. Move Character

    Is it possible to move a character to a different account if both accounts are owned by the same person? Even if it's only possible by donating to the server.
  9. Zion Shop Update (17/12/2024)

    Would like to buy PARAGON FRAME [slots: 4 / def: 1 / evp: 0] - 15 Dt
  10. Nem Bazaar

    How much for Paragon Frame and Blue Phantom Field?
  11. Sell Nightmare 80 Hit -Closed

    CLOSED NIGHTMARE +80 [0/50/0/40|80] 45 DT
  12. Zarien shop uodated 2.0 added premium updated

    Jelllen lvl 30 5 pd Zalure lvl 30 5pd Grants lvl 30. 3dt I would like to get these from you please.
  13. trade list - thx

    Would like to buy Dr. Robotnik's Plan B 100 PDs
  14. Retro's wares

    How much?
  15. runashop

    Will take 150pd for this? - Dark Matter 15DTs
  16. WTB> Yamigarasu w/ hit CLOSED

    What the title says. Looking for someone to sell me a Yamigarasu with hit, preferably at least 20.
  17. Izsha's Trade List

    I'm on now for awhile if you are free to trade
  18. Izsha's Trade List

    Still got luck mats? i need 25
  19. WTB

    WTB or trade for Immortal/ability Immortal/body
  20. Show your screenshots

    Time to hunt.
  21. IronKage's Shop

    7 pd for all 3?
  22. Mage of D's Shop

    Dragon Scale still available?
  23. SHOP hayda

  24. SHOP hayda

    how much for DRAGON SLAYER [25/0/0/45/50]
  25. TheWhiiteWolf

    Well apparently I never made a post when I first started, which was back in August of 2019 . I played pso back on the gc with @Vapid Dominance back in like grade school. We played a bit on Ultima when found out PSO was still alive on the interwebs. Found this server and love all the custom features and boosts. Takes the tedious grinds out and lets you get to mid/late game before getting burnt out on the game. Goals I have for myself are getting a good hit Rathalos greatsword. Been really enjoying the HUnter class as of late. My two max/close to max are my forces so I primarily run a support style when i play with others until my Ranger and Hunter get to end game gear. In-game names are Gaara FOnewm, Bardock Hucast, WhiteWolf Hunewearl, and IronKage Racast