Hello, thank you for this service! I'm excited to explore this server, as I'm a big fan of the customizations.
Before I get too invested, it would be nice to get an honest assessment of if this is a good place to start a new account.
1. There's very few people online (~20 right now), will I normally struggle to find players?
2. Looking through the drop rates, they don't seem much higher than Ephinea (which I assume is close to retail?). Many are 1/1000 and PWand still has a 1/300k. Will this still have the mindless and sometimes endless grind for items? I don't have as much free time as when I was younger for that. I was really excited to see the front page ad that the drop rates are increased, but the drop tables took away that excitement.
3. Are the best custom items unobtainable? I remember in oldschool SCHTSERV - before the accounts got wiped and it went back to boring vanilla mode - it was practically impossible to get Rainblow if you missed its original event, for instance. Which was a shame, as that sword was awesome.
4. What are the best tips and advice for a new account on this server?
Thanks for your time, I look forward to speaking with you all.