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Everything posted by Hitman47

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    Close please Best regards
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    Done best regards hitman47
  4. Nyanchi's Sell List

    Take the Blue Sato lvl 100 for 1 DT please
  5. please close

    Done best regards
  6. Please Close

    Done best regards
  7. please close

    done best regards hitman47
  8. please close

    Thank you for your offer, already got. one Best regards hitman47
  9. please close

    Done best regards hitman47
  10. Please Close

  11. please close - done

    please close
  12. Please Close

    Done best regards hitman47
  13. A>Astral Dragon 0/80/0/100/90

    Congratulations @VEL(JP) please contact me when you are ready
  14. A>Astral Dragon 0/80/0/100/90

    auction is open again, thx to VEL he can restore the Astral Dragon startbid 120 Dts or equal stuff wants are DF (N/D/Hit) Twin Executioner TC (high Hit) UDC (m/d/Hit) 3rd anni blade 2nd anni wings 4th anni orb DTs Auction ends 54 hours from now bid reset 24 hours rules: bid have to contain at least 1 of my wants (value wants higher than pure DT bid) best regards hitman47
  15. A>Astral Dragon 0/80/0/100/90

    48 Minutes left
  16. A>Astral Dragon 0/80/0/100/90

    2 hours and 42 Minutes left
  17. A>Astral Dragon 0/80/0/100/90

    Thx alot 👍🏻
  18. Nyanchi's Sell List

    EGG BLASTER [0/0/40/60|50] How much for this please?
  19. A>Astral Dragon 0/80/0/100/90

    online again
  20. Nyanchi's Sell List

    DR Robotniks Plan B = 1 PS?
  21. A>Astral Dragon 0/80/0/100/90

    Thank you for your bid , rate those 3 at 100 DTs btw
  22. Nyanchi's Sell List

    Hi Nyanchi How much for this TWIN CYCLONE [10/0/0/0|10] ?
  23. Please Close

  24. Done please close

    Thx for the Info
  25. Done please close

    please close