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  1. Sound Level Adjustment on Headphones

    That's a good idea. I messed around with the Discord settings, and that worked. Thanks again, man.
  2. Hello. I'm not having any issues when playing with speakers, but when using headphones, the music and sound effects are way too loud. I am using the Sony PS5 headset, and have adjusted the Chat-Game button on the headset all the way to 'Chat', but the music and sound affects still dominate the sound levels. Clearly, it's something to do with my headset, but does anyone know a fix to force the incoming chat to dominate the sound, rather than the sound effects and music? The Destiny launcher has sound options, but there isn't a slider to specifically adjust the chat sounds. I could play without music, but the soundtrack is excellent, and it would be dull without it. Any help is appreciated.
  3. Offline Quests (One Person)

    Thanks, HammerHead. That's helped a lot.
  4. Offline Quests (One Person)

    Hello, everyone. I have been playing Blue Burst off and on now for awhile and I am enjoying the game; thanks to the Destiny server and their respective owners. I have never had any technical issues, but I am unable to progress to any One Player/Offline Quests after 'Gran Squall'. Even after completing the Cave and Mines as per the instructions, there aren't any new One Player/Offline Quests. I'd like to do more quests so I can convert animal parts (Rappy's Wing, Grass Assassin Claw, etc.). I have completed all of the quests up to Gran Squall on Normal, Hard, Very Hard, and Ultimate if that helps. Does anyone know what I am doing incorrectly. Thank you in advance.