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Showing most liked content on 01/03/23 in Posts

  1. 1 like
    the sad thing is, I can't even install the game in the first place lmao The installer and the launcher are having the same issue on my machine, and it doesn't appear to be an antivirus issue since I can completely disable Defender and still have the problem. I don't think it's an issue with the drive, either; I just tried downloading the installer directly to an SD card and no dice.
  2. 1 like
    So I've been trying to get Destiny PSOBB to work since... September. Still can't get it to work. The installer launches but never appears, and Task Manager reveals that it instantly closes when I try to open it. This happens despite the installer and even the folder it's in being excluded in Defender. It still happens even if I turn Defender off completely, so I don't think it's that. I had someone install the game on their machine and transfer things over, but the launcher does the same thing - instantly closes in the background. Theoretically I could run the game's executable directly, but then if I ever need to update with the launcher again I'd need to have them do it all for me... and that's just a massive pain in the ass. What are the requirements for the installer and launcher - do I need a certain Visual Studio or .Net runtime that I may lack? My OS is Win10, and I'm running this on integrated hardware (intel i7-1165G7 inside a GPD Win 3). I've tried different resolutions and display scaling settings, as my default is a little wacky to allow for easier display on a TV, but no dice. I've also tried different compatibility modes and whatnot to no avail. For reference, i don't have this issue with other server launchers or installers, so there's something specific that Destiny's launcher requires that I don't have. I've been wanting to check out what makes this server unique (I'm one of those nutcases that likes to play on all the different servers for their unique PSO experiences because I'm hopelessly addicted) but right now it just seems to uniquely hate me, haha.