Destiny v0.7.8 (Major Update) Item buffs and new mechanics
As was said in the last update notes, we now have the ability to modify items in ways not possible before. We will be using this opportunity to gradually roll out buffs and changes to existing items as well as new ones. The goal is to increase the amount of useful items in the game (even vanilla items), encourage more diverse playstyles, and to close the gap between custom and vanilla gear in terms of power. These modifications can include changes to animation, number of hits/projectiles, set bonuses and much more. Some weapons now truly feel like a completely new weapon type, and we think this breath of fresh air is what PSO needs. The buffs are not only targeted to endgame players, but also to intermediate and new players. This goes hand in hand with droptable changes to provide the freshest and most fun PSO experience blue burst has to offer. Below is a list of buffs with this update. And it's just the beginning! Massive credit to @Orgodemirk for doing the coding to make this all possible. Droptable changes
Droptable has been updated (by @VEL(JP)), for more info please check below.
  Higher enemy HP
We now have the ability to modify enemy HP freely, thus can set HP higher than 32,767 from this update. (credit goes to @Magic). This is not in the game yet, but will be part of upcoming content.
  Demons immunity
We now can add the ability: 'Demons Immunity' to Enemies. (credit goes to @Magic)
Skin glitch was fixed on TJS, Astral Dragon and Venus Bow, and some other small bugfixes     ■Weapons Update! From this update, various weapons got buffed. (credit goes to @Orgodemirk, each weapons are upgraded by Destiny Development team)   ・TSUMIKIRI J SWORD Targets: 10→5
Hits: 1-1-1 → 3-3-3 (Normal/Heavy) / 5-1-1 (Special)
Animation: Sword → Custom Also skin has updated by @Magic and Samurai Armor buffs TJS's ATP by 30%, ATA+20    ・EXCALIBUR Required: Tellusis
Range: 14.0 → 25.0
Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-1-3
Animation: Saber → Double Saber   ・DAYLIGHT SCAR Targets: 1→3
Range: 14.0 → 25.0   ・NEI'S CLAW (REAL) Targets: 1→3
Range: 14.0 → 25.0
Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-2-4 (3rd attack takes time a bit)
Animation: Claw → Custom Video:    ・DARK METEOR Required: Low HP (under 12% like Dark Flow)
Hits: 1-1-1 → 1-1-3 (Normal/Heavy) / 1-1-5 (Special) Video:     ・SOUL DEVOURER Required: Paragon Frame
Hits: 1-1-1 → 1-2-5 (Normal/Heavy, 3rd attack takes time a bit) / 1-1-3
Animation: Slicer → Custom In addition ATP+100, hits Lizards in the face   ・OROTIAGITO Required: Samurai Armor
Targets: 1→3
Range: 14.0 → 25.0
Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-2-2 In addition all attacks have faster battle speed (by 35%) and special attack has better range/angle (150.0/15.0)   ・KUNAI Required: Ninja Suit
Hits: 1-1-1 → 2-2-4 
Animation: Card → Slicer In addition ATP+50, ATA+20   ・HELLION SWORD (During Halloween Event only) Required: Haunted Helm + Hallowed Garment ATP+387, ATA+21   ■Droptable Update   ・Previous update (0.7.7)